Responses- NEED within the next hour


DUE NOW- There’s 3 part please respond with a minimum of 50 words! These are peer introductions. 

Part 1

Hi everyone, pleasure to meet you all (virtually of course). I look forward to working alongside you throughout this course. 

I like to think that I’ve got quite a bit of experience in the Training & Development field. I started doing a majority of training and development when I became a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy. This was a big part of our role, training junior Sailors. We would often be the subject matter experts on many different areas. I helped develop curriculum for new rating manuals while I was in the Navy, and drafted many instructions and policies. 

Since working for my current organization (the City of Oakdale), I have continued to spend a good chunk of time in Training & Development. It kind of goes hand-in-hand with my role (primarily Human Resources). One Training & Development accomplishment that I am very proud of is the implementation of a six-month long leadership development program called Aspiring Leaders, which I created for our City employees. We are now on our third cohort and it has been a wonderful program to help our employees increase their leadership skills, interviewing skills, communication and listening skills, emotional intelligence, and much more. I have also provided many different training for our City employees, to include the AB-1825 training that is required for all employees. Training & Development is something that I am extremely passionate about. I also consider myself a lifelong learner and am always looking for new ways to do things, ways to do things better, and how to make the place where I serve better than it was when I found it.

That’s a little bit about me, and my Training & Development experience.

Part 2 

I am currently working towards my Masters in Human Resource Management which I should be completing in December. My initial degree is in Psychology and Sociology. After waiting ten years I decided to take advantage of my organization’s education benefits to pursue my masters. I am hoping to take what I have learned in these courses and continue my career with my current organization. While I am interested in moving into an HR role, I am also interested in training and development. 

I am an assistant manager in a retail store for a cellular company. I have been with this company for almost 8 years and in management for 5. 

I live in Ohio with my fiance, our two dogs and our cat. In my spare time I am an avid reader. I enjoy traveling when I can, we went on our first cruise in February and we will be going to the beach in July. Last fall we purchased our first home, so I have taken the opportunity to have my first garden this summer. I have been pleasantly surprised by how well the plants seem to be growing and I hope to have some vegetables to harvest soon. 

I look forward to interacting with everyone in this class and learning together. I see some familiar names and new faces in this class, and I look forward to interacting with everyone in discussions! 

Part 3

I am pursing a masters degree here at Arizona Global Campus. I’m not that knowledgeable yet when it comes to employee training and development since this my first course on the subject but here is a summary I’ve learned through some research. Employee training and development refers to educational activities within a firm that are designed to improve employees’ knowledge and abilities while also offering information and instruction on how to do specific tasks more effectively. Training is a reactive, short-term procedure for workers and processes, but development is a proactive, continual activity for executives. Employees’ goals in training and development are to gain additional abilities and a complete personality.