literature review on “Measures to Reduce Data Dump in Minimal Time”

1. Please fill out this form (also available in this week’s folder) to compare and contrast your three research articles (do not include your news article).  2. Please write part 2 of your literature review. You will be essentially cutting and pasting your three objective summaries under Level II headings (see p 13 in your manuals) Put them in an order … Read more

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

  Initial Post There are reports about how people are denied access to healthcare insurance based on genetic testing. This sparks concern and passion about how to advocate for your clients and families as a professional nurse. Review the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2010. In your initial post, describe a scenario where an individual … Read more

research week 11 prt 2

Discussion Question: You are the Director of Nursing in an Oncology Unit in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods. How would you perform a systematic review of … Read more

research week 11 part 1

Critique quality of the literature reviews conducted for two different types of studies- a quantitative and qualitative research.  • Identify and discuss the research questions, sampling and sampling sizes, research designs (qualitative vs. quantitative), hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings.  • Discuss the credibility of the sources and the research/researchers findings.  • 400-word minimum. … Read more

Wk 4, OPS 574: DR 2

APA Format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Peter Wilms Before beginning any project, senior leadership needs to understand and bought into the project, the results, and the money budgeted for the project. Based on my experience, if you do not have this “buy-in” … Read more

anti-H2 Blocker medication

   Instructions: Please, list the below info for at least one anti-H2 Blocker medication. Indications Mechanism of action What to monitor Patient variables Side effects Adverse effects Teaching Requirements:   Formatted and cited in current APA 7    Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years   Not Websites are allowed.   Plagiarism is NOT allowed

Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?

   Discussion Topic: Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?  Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list: 1. Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.  2. Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.  3. Examine … Read more

Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?

   Discussion Topic: Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?  Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list: 1. Critically analyze the philosophical underpinnings of nursing theories.  2. Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.  3. Examine … Read more

Select one of the topic mentioned

   Use of prednisone in childhood severe asthma. Metformin and lactic acidosis. Congestive heart failure therapy with a diuretic medication. Immunization schedule in childhood. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and bile acid sequestrant. Urge incontinence, or overactive bladder diagnoses and management. Implications and regulations related to transitioning NP programs to the doctoral level. Dosing regimen principles … Read more


 This week we explored changes in older adults identifying common cognitive and physical changes that occur in this stage of life. For this assignment, you will elaborate om some of the changes as well as explore key differences between clinical depression versus the sadness associated with the normal losses of aging.     Describe at least … Read more