
 Healthcare leadership and management in the profession of nursing demand a high level of knowledge and skill. Although nursing leadership and nurse management share some characteristics, they also have some key differences. The differences here between nursing leader and a healthcare professionals include the roles they assume, the qualifications they hold, and the duties they … Read more


Topic: Perform a LOPA (Layers of Protection Analysis) of your local living area or work location. Remember to get permission from security.  Instructions: Please download the Assignment 7 Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. … Read more


  Discuss the components leaders and managers use when making effective decisions.  Identify two methods or models that leaders and managers can use to improve the quality of decision making.   Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing … Read more


  Compare and contrast leader roles and management functions.  Apply one specific leadership style that a nurse can use to manage a workplace initiative that reflects a current healthcare priority.     Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional … Read more

Artifact Captions for Business Portfolio

 A rationale statement that briefly describes the artifact, elaborates on demonstrated competencies, states why it is included, and reflects on what      was learned from the experience represented by this artifact, and whether      it was developed individually or as a member of a team. Write 3-4 paragraphs on each page. I have already included 10 artifacts … Read more