Enzyme assignment

Complete the following assignment and attach here.  It involves watching a few videos. Link to textbook included below.  https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Biochemistry/Book%3A_Biochemistry_Free_For_All_(Ahern_Rajagopal_and_Tan)/04%3A_Catalysis/4.02%3A_Control_of_Enzymatic_Activity

Lesson (Biochemistry)

  Read pages 1-5 of the case study, “Statins Stat!” (see attached pdf below), and answer the following questions. 1.       Why are high density lipoproteins (HDLs) considered the “good cholesterol”? In your answer explain specifically what HDLs do that cause it to be considered the “good cholesterol”. 2.       Why are low density lipoproteins (LDLs) considered … Read more