How to balance between studying and relaxing?

To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studying with relaxation. Today, there are many games created for this purpose. Besides the entertainment effect, <a href=””>connections game</a> will help players systematize basic English knowledge and vocabulary to serve their learning.

Answer all question

   Watch the Netflix documentary “My Beautiful Broken Brain” and answer the following questions.  and  YouTube link to documentary: 

The Brain and the Internal World

Watch the video of Peter Tripp’s Sleep Deprivation Experiment. Were you surprised at some of the effects that Tripp experienced? Why or why not? What does Tripp’s experience reveal about the purpose of sleep? Does his experience provide any insight into possible causes or potential treatments for sleep disorders? Describe your own experience with sleep … Read more

The Brain and the Internal World

Sexual differentiation is a complex developmental process beginning with genetic factors established at conception and continuing up to the final form of the body. Discuss situations in which the end result of sexual differentiation is inconsistent with the initial genetic pattern (i.e., transgender, intersex, and sexual identity issues). Address the following: How is gender development … Read more

Unit 7 dq

7.1 I need someone to help me discus if we believe the posses “biological preparedness“ for learning. 7.2 I need someone to help me discuss on how the brain changes in response to learning experienc.

Discussion reply man

Discussion Thread: Cognitive Changes             As we age, we go through various memory and cognitive changes. The thought of changes in memory and cognitive abilities may seem off-putting at first, but this is a normal part of aging.  Most of these changes are normal, although there are some abnormal changes … Read more

Human Cognition

Do you agree with the analogy of human cognition as a computer? Why or why not provide an example of a mental process that supports your position  provide at least 1 personal example and 1 research citation 


Introduction of disorder – When was the disorder discovered, who discovered this condition, how common is this condition, and what is the prognosis of individuals who receive this diagnosis? – Provide the symptoms associated with this condition, describe if some symptoms are more common/rare than others, describe what the symptom means – What part(s) of … Read more