BUS 411 Unit 1 DB: Strategic Thinking

in this week’s readings, you were introduced to the main concepts of strategic leadership and planning. In this discussion question, you need to review and explain what the major challenges of strategic planning are for large, complex organizations, such as Apple, Wal-Mart, or Southwest Airlines? What do you think can be done to improve the … Read more

Week 4 Discussion – Business-Level Strategy

  Please respond to the following: Review the Aldi case study on page 169 of your textbook. Assess your satisfaction with Aldi and make recommendations about how the company could modify its business-level strategy to both increase your overall level of satisfaction and to attract new customers. Provide specific examples to support your response. Analyze … Read more

Assessment 2: Using Analytic Techniques to Add Meaning to Data

  Download data on a company’s stock history. From this data, create scatterplots, histograms, and calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of some data points. Write a 5-8 page report including the graphs and descriptive statistics you have created. Business analytics techniques are used to facilitate decision making by transforming large amounts of … Read more

Unit VIII Research Paper

  Instructions For this research paper, you are required to choose one topic related to global ethics. You will use the internet resources to collect information and content. Possible topics for the research paper include: Child labor Bribery and corruption Working standards and conditions Environmental issues Outsourcing After researching your chosen topic, develop your research … Read more

Unit VIII Journal

  Instructions Reflect on the lessons, readings, and assignments given in the course and discuss the following questions and points. What topic did you find most intriguing and how could you apply what you have learned from the topic to your professional career or personal life? Based upon what you have learned in this course, … Read more

Unit VI Article Review

Instructions Marketing ethics includes consumer protection, pricing, and advertising. Using your favorite web browser, research a company that practices direct marketing. You will write an article review that address the following points and questions: Briefly describe the company and the types of products it markets. Explain direct marketing and why companies use the strategy for … Read more

Week 3 Discussion – Strong Brands

  Please respond to the following: Many companies use their brand as a competitive advantage. Given your knowledge about the global economy: Identify three brands you believe have the strongest likelihood of remaining a source of advantage in the 21st century and explain why. Next, explain the effects you believe the Internet’s capabilities will have … Read more

Unit V Article Review

  Instructions Open the  Unit V Template . Grab your favorite web browser. Search for the following topics on the internet. Use information from the website to answer questions found in the template regarding each topic. Whistleblowing Discrimination in the workplace Quid pro quo Include the following for each topic on the template: the URL … Read more