Unit V Case Study

Instructions For this assignment, you will use the following case study.Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=85301202&site=ehost-live&scope=siteGiven this scenario, include the following topics: Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group. Discuss strategies for working with leaders … Read more

Unit V Homework assignment

For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. … Read more


Focus company—income statement analysis In Exercise 1.1, you were asked to obtain the most recent annual report of a company that you were interested in reviewing throughout this term. Required: Which method, single-step or multiple-step, is used in the statement? What are the captions of the intermediate profit amounts reported by this company that are … Read more


 Is the United States healthcare system too complex to produce successful reform? Does the United States have an actual healthcare system or is a grouping of fragment components? Burnout is a significant concern in the healthcare industry across the multiple professions.  As a nation how can this issue be successfully addressed? The healthcare industry in … Read more

SCC 205

   1. Microbiotics currently sells all of its frozen dinners cash-on-delivery but believes it can increase sales by offering supermarkets 1 month of free credit. The price per carton is $120, and the cost per carton is $75. The unit sales will increase from 1,070 cartons to 1,130 per month if credit is granted. Assume … Read more


Evaluate the following article and offer your thoughts. Howard, R., Leyden, T., Englesbe, M. (2022). How Collaboration Can Drastically Improve U.S. Health Care, https://hbr.org/2022/03/how-collaboration-can-drastically-improve-u-s-health-care

Analyzing Your Personal Finances

  Touchstone: Analyzing Your Personal Finances SCENARIO: Three months have passed since you created your first financial plan (i.e., the Unit 2 Touchstone). In that time, your budget has gone through some changes. The good news is that your income has increased because of your strong performance at work. However, health care and miscellaneous costs … Read more

Social Media Awareness

It’s your reputation (and job prospects), protect it! Our world is so digitally connected you now have to worry about what you are sharing on social media and what people are saying about you online. There are even companies that specialize in monitoring what information is floating around about you online!  According to Career Builder, … Read more

Unit IV Leadership

 Using the CSU Online Library and other disciplinary resources, research how motivational leadership is used in your field. Using this information, describe how motivational techniques can be used to enhance employee performances within your field. 


1. (USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO WRITE AROUND 200 WORDS TO ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW, AT LEAST 1 PEER REVIEWED REFERENCE) For this discussion scenario, you have been hired to develop the launch of a new product for fast weight loss for a new start-up called ABC Company. Answer the following questions: How can you develop … Read more