This week, we are discussing Chapter 9 – Business Torts. In the lecture slides I discuss a very famous case not mentioned in the book – Pennzoil Co. v. Texaco, Inc., 481 U.S. 1 (U.S. 1987). An interesting article can be found about it here: to an external site.)  or here: (Links to an … Read more

Final Project

  Each student should focus on the purpose of unions and labor and employment systems, and then develop a PowerPoint presentation on a subject matter that interests him or her. Your presentation might be on an issue like RIght-to-Work, the Janus Supreme Court Decision, the Duty of Fair Representation, Just Cause, the Impact of Autonomous … Read more

External Economic Factors

 Select an economic trend from the Vistage report. What are your thoughts on the effect of this trend on the national economy? Find information from at least one outside source to provide new insights and information about the effect of this trend on the national economy. 


Think about the facts of the case and answer the following questions: How has Alex demonstrated each of the path-goal theory leadership behaviors- INSTRUMENTAL BEHAVIOR, SUPPORTIVE BEHAVIOR, PARTICIPATE BEHAVIOR, and ACHIEVEMENT-ORIENTED BEHAVIOR?? Where would you place Alex on Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid? How would you describe Alex’s leadership or managerial philosophy? Theory X, Y … Read more

Business quantitative analysis

Please see attached instructions. Throughout the entire course, two companies to analyze, Wicked Good Cupcakes and Cinemark (Cinemark is chosen company)    This week, you will be evaluating the financial performance through ratio analysis of Wicked Good Cupcake company. See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. Need this assignment by Sunday 7/16 … Read more

Psychology Assignment – Ethical Issues in Psychological Research

Scenario This assignment will involve the understanding and application of ethics to three landmark studies in the field of psychology. First, you will need to review the American Psychological Association’s Code of Ethics (i.e., principles and standards). Then, you will watch a video that discusses the three studies: Solomon Asch’s group think study, Stanley Milgram’s … Read more


  n connection with this week’s topic Chapter 2 – Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. Please search for a news article that focuses on an ethical dilemma that a business is facing. Then summarize and discuss the article in your post and make a suggestion as to how you would resolve the dilemma based on the … Read more

Unit 8 DQ: Graduate Programs

Pick one specific type of graduate program that you would be interested in pursuing. Explain why you chose that program. Besides the challenge of gaining admittance to graduate school in psychology, what are some other factors that would-be student applicants should consider? graduate program is accounting  1 paragraph

Nonverbal Communication Reflection

Write a 1- or 2-paragraph reflection of the Identifying Nonverbal Communication activity. Consider the following questions in your reflection: Which emotion or message was the easiest to interpret for you? Why? What are some key takeaways about your personal nonverbal communication that you gathered from this activity? How can using nonverbal communication affect a business … Read more

business admin

CASE STUDY Think about the facts of the case and answer the following questions: For each of the four situations noted, what organizational concepts apply? Identify the concept, explain the related problem, and identify how it influenced decisions in this case. As an adviser to President Ashley Korenblat, how would you resolve each problem?