Ch 10 Data Case

 Review Chapter 10 Data Case on page 362. You will work on items 1-6 and submit is as an excel spreadsheet (item #6 you can just type into the spreadsheet). Make certain you have all the details for the calculations so the instructor can follow your thoughts.  


  Select any example of a visualization or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualization’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design … Read more

Cloud computing

 In this project, you will make narrated presentation to convince the BallotOnline management of the value of migrating the organization’s existing IT infrastructure and services to a public cloud. You will learn about cloud computing technology and services and how organizations can take advantage of this trend.Your supervisor, Sophia, BallotOnline’s director of information technology, has … Read more


 This week we turn our attention to annotations.  Annotation is a crucial component of good data visualization.  It can turn a boring graphic into an interesting and insightful way to convey information., please navigate to any site and find a graphic that could use some annotation work.  Add the graphic and the website it is … Read more


  Review Discussion: Storytelling and Success Stories then focus on Moritz’s work on the OECD Better life index download the executive summary and the index data. In a one-page summary, note a few particular places around the world and compare and contrast the statistics.  Also, note briefly how this graphic tells the story.


 Data representation and interactivity are important aspects of data visualization.  Review the text by Kirk (2019) and note at least three storytelling techniques.  Note the importance of each and the advantages of using these techniques. 

Working with Data

Please note a system that you work with frequently that has a major data component.  Note the type of data, how the data is managed and maintained, and any other important factors regarding the data in the system.  300 words  APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) 


Why is there a need for data access control? What are the benefits and risks for using Smart Cards and PKI? How do Smart Cards/PKI protect the data’s confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation?

Data Mining and Data Warehousing

 Individual  Project Proposal: write any topic about “data mining and data warehousing”. (a real business and identify a problem or opportunity, where you can provide a viable database solution a. Create a Project Proposal b. Must include a Project Plan c. Outline of business justifications and benefits ) one or one and half page proposal 


   4. Review the attached file. Suzie has an issue. She can either move to NY or FL and needs to review some data that her agent gave her. The agent reviewed house prices and crime ratings for houses that Suzie would be interested in based on her selection criteria.  She wants to live in … Read more