
 (1. You need to write carefully considered, grammatically correct, thoughts, Use references where appropriate, Do not plagiarize!! The result of your work will be contained in one word document that contains timestamped screen shots when appropriate. It will be run through safeassign to detect plagirism. Plagiarism will be rewarded with a zero score.) Normal Forms: … Read more


  Discuss the role played by a scheduler in ensuring the serializability of transactions. Discussion Guidelines You must provide an original response of 300+ words of your own   Printed Textbook: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, 13th edition, Coronel and Morris.  


  Discuss the factors affecting the purchasing decision for DBMS software. Provide an example of context-dependent prioritization of the relevant criteria. Discussion Guidelines You must provide an original response of 300+ words of your own.   Required Materials and Textbook(s) • Printed Textbook: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, 13th edition, Coronel and Morris.  

Melissa’s Boating Emporium, DATABASE SYS:THEORY & PROGM

  At Melissa’s Boating Emporium, Melissa rents different kinds of boats to their customers: jet skis, skiffs, and pontoons for a day. All boats will have a specific daily rental rate. Melissa needs to manage the following pontoon information: Registration Number Name (each pontoon is named uniquely) Manufacturer Length Capacity (i.e., how many people they … Read more

Question 3

please answer below questions(Plagiarism applies)  What is a data model? What is a high-level conceptual data model? What is an entity? An attribute? A relationship? List and briefly describe the common record-based logical data models.

Database Systems

A relation is a table structure definition (a set of column definitions) along with the data appearing in that structure. The structure definition is the heading and the data appearing in it is the body, a set of rows. Give a definitiion for a relation – as originally described by E.F. Codd (1970).  Also provide a definition of … Read more

Database Management Sysytems

Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 3.22, p. 99 for part of a BANK database (also below for reference). Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. (chapter 3, pp. 79-99; also see ER Notations, p.83) (a) List the strong (nonweak) entity types in the ER diagram. … Read more