Legal Reg, Compliance, Invest. IT

For whichever U.S. state you are currently residing in, research its breach notification law. Note that some states do not label it as such, but all 50 states have some form of legislation that mandates an organization’s responsibilities when a data breach affects the state’s citizen’s private, protected information. Some research resources to consider include … Read more

Public School Prayer

In studying Social Problems, sociologists (and historians) identify “the defining moment” or a specific trigger event that brought about the need for social change (or the need to resist the status quo). Give a brief history/background story of the social issue, and why and/or how it became a Social Problem. Provide supporting evidence. What was … Read more


 Discuss the relevance and integration of the two selected scripture passages for this section of the course into the teaching and learning of reading, including various approaches to assessment and remediation.  You are looking at this from a secular point of view as well as a Christian point of view – how would a non-Christian … Read more

This assignment will help you understand one of the most important concepts in the study of economics – opportunity cost. It will also help you see how almost every decision in daily life involves opportunity cost.v

Opportunity cost of your resource is defined as “the value associated with the next best use of that resource (which you must give up).” Decisions you make should reflect your opportunity cost, and not just your out-of-pocket costs. For example, if you decide to spend two hours of your time watching TV, the opportunity cost … Read more