cirtical thinkg

      Critical Thinking:  A researcher      received two samples: one of a virus and the other of a viroid. Unfortunately, the labels were lost.      Scientist felt that it could be distinguished the two by analyzing the      presence or absence of a single molecule. What molecule would be searching      for and why? If you were      asked … Read more

The War Next Door

Choose one of the 9 major Drug Cartels sited in the article below Find 2 sources other than the one below and answer the following questions: 1. Who are they and where are they from? 2. What drugs do they smuggle?  3. What are their dealings with law enforcement? 4. What impact do they have … Read more


Write a 175-word response to the following: Pick a proposed rule from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Federal Policy Guidance. Are there any cultural sensitivities that need to be considered because of the notice, rule, or proposed rule? Should all cultures be given equal consideration in health care policies? What aspects of culture should … Read more


Communicating information learned from data is often most effectively done by creating visual representations of the findings. For this discussion, you will plot datasets on a map using Excel. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Locate datasets available from the CDC, NIH, or another public source. Ensure your dataset includes location … Read more


Communicating information learned from data is often most effectively done by creating visual representations of the findings. In this group assignment, you will work with your collaborative group to create bars and graphs based on public health data. The objective of this assignment is to help each other learn and reinforce this crucial skill set … Read more