Applied Managerial Economics DB4

400-600 words   Now is the time to make a decision about relocating the manufacturing operation to the United States is fast-approaching. AutoEdge, like most companies, uses a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (SWOT) analysis to facilitate its decision making. You have just completed your first monthly activity report for the board when Lester calls. … Read more

Starbucks Case Study

Read Closing Case Starbucks Foreign Direct Investment (uploaded). Answer the following in a three to four page response. Why do you think Starbucks decided to enter the Japanese market via a joint venture with a Japanese company? What lessons can be drawn from this? What drove Starbucks to shift from a joint venture strategy in … Read more


Chapter 9 covers two topics: Transportation and Communication. This week’s assignment discusses communication – specifically the internet. In the past 20 years, mainstream society has integrated with technology. This video asks the simple question, can we now survive without computers, internet, and technology? After reading the chapter and watching the following video and write a … Read more


The rapid growth in franchising during the last three decades can be explained in large part by the mutual benefits the franchising partners receive. The franchiser (parent company) increases sales via an ever-expanding network of franchisees. The parent collects a fixed percentage of the revenue each franchise earns (as high as 15 to 20 percent, … Read more


  1. Review the two articles about bank failures and bank diversification that are found below this. Economic history assures us that the health of the banking industry is directly related to the health of the economy. Moreover, recessions, when combined with banking crisis, will result in longer and deeper recessions versus recessions that do … Read more

Applied Managerial Economics DB3

  Because the decision about relocating manufacturing operations to the United States is so important, the board of directors at AutoEdge continues to systematically discuss every aspect of the situation. The following week, CEO Lester Scholl meets you for coffee to discuss next week’s board meeting. “I’m hearing good things about you,” he says. “Ingrid … Read more


 List five questions that you might use to conduct a business transition war game or Assumption–based Planning exercise on Decathlon.  Then list the core assumptions that might fail in the next five years for this company’s use of such RFID technology, and why? APA 7 250 words Minimum 1 reference 

Research Paper

In 2009 the American auto industry was in a dire economic state. Chrysler was in Chapter 11, GM was on the brink of bankruptcy, and Ford’s future was at best uncertain. The demise of the U.S. auto industry would have a devastating impact on our national economy and specifically the economies of Michigan and Ohio. … Read more