Legislative Actions Photo and Synapsis

Successful educators should understand the important legislative actions and events that have helped shape our current special education climate. Choose three significant legislative actions that have influenced special education. For each of the legislative actions that you have chosen, select an image from the Internet to creatively depict the relevance it has had on special … Read more

710-Week 1

   Leadership, Values & Ethics Write a literature review analyzing the relationship between leadership, personal values, and ethics in an organizational context. Based on your research, formulate at least one hypothesis about the relationship. For example, you might select a particular leadership style (such as transformational leadership or servant leadership) and a concept related to … Read more

implications of globalization

  Explain the implications of globalization. Identify at least two ethical issues that go along with the global societal topic you have chosen Explain how globalization contributes to or affects these ethical dilemmas. Propose solutions to these ethical dilemmas that are feasible financially, socially, and culturally. https://muse-jhu-edu.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/article/672845 https://www.jstor.org/stable/27823328?saml_data=eyJzYW1sVG9rZW4iOiJmNjljN2FmMy0wNzFjLTQ2NjctYWM1NC0yYmJjOTEyYThjODkiLCJpbnN0aXR1dGlvbklkcyI6WyJjNWZjM2RhNy05N2ZjLTQ4OGItOGUyYi03YTY2Y2Y3MmE4OWMiXX0&seq=1

assignment 7

  Analyze two or three differences between design capacity and effective capacity, then predict one or two challenges that you may encounter when using each method. Provide specific examples using additional sources, if necessary, to support your rationale.

Homework 6

 1. A manufacturer of printed circuit boards has a design capacity of 1,000 boards per day. The effective capacity, however, is 704 boards per day. Recently, the production facility has been producing 915 boards per day. Compute the design and effective capacity utilization measures. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place, e.g. 3.5%.) Utilization Effective … Read more

assignment 6

  Using the Six Sigma approach (DMAIC), provide an example situation that uses the five-step plan, and determine three or four challenges you may encounter using this approach. Provide specific examples using additional sources, if necessary, to support your rationale.

3 questions

Why is it important to know the demographic information of the students when developing curricula? How can this information have an impact on the design, development, and implementation of curricula? Where would you place the production of curriculum guides, courses of study, resource units, and the like in the model for curriculum development presented by … Read more

Homework 5

1.Canton Gourmet is a restaurant offering both Japanese and Chinese food. Customer service and contact are important parts of the business. Yet, Canton Gourmet manages its kitchen segment of the operation like a manufacturing operation. What manufacturing characteristics does the kitchen segment have? a. tangible outputs and low customer contact b. intangible outputs and low … Read more

assignment 5

  Develop three examples that illustrate how a manufacturing company or a service company of your choice uses JIT, and then determine three or four benefits of JIT for that particular organization. Discuss how the JIT concept differs between manufacturing and service companies. Provide specific examples using additional sources, if necessary, to support your rationale.


There are four domains needed to develop a curriculum: curriculum, assessment, standards, and instruction. Is one of the four a driving force? Are all equal players? How do you begin to design a curriculum? Are there any factors missing? Create a visual representation of how you believe these four domains interact to build a curriculum. … Read more