
Find the mission, vision, and values statements of an agency you know or find the statements of a local organization via its website. In what ways do these statements seem to meet the criteria that are outlined in this chapter?  How would you improve the wording of these statements? Do you see any possible conflicts … Read more

Logic Model

What are the benefits of using logic models both in the planning and evaluation? Readings: Fitzpatrick, J., Sanders, J., & Worthen Ch. 11. Clarifying the Evaluation Request and Responsibilities W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide Course Discussion Board Posting: Logic Model

Present Levels of Educational Performance

Review “RTI Case Study: Laney.” Based on the information provided, begin the process of drafting a 250-500 word summary of Laney’s current educational performance that could later be incorporated into the PLAAFP section of an IEP. Your summary should include the following student information: Academic strengths Results from evaluations Performance in classes Influences of language, culture, … Read more

wk 3 refl tho

Write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your understanding of concept analysis in nursing based on what you just wrote. Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. What knowledge do you still need to demonstrate competency in the weekly concepts? What skills do you need to continue developing to apply these concepts? The objective- A … Read more

wk 3 the con

The topic is “Self-Care”. The concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing theories is not allowed.  Instructions- Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section only) Support from nursing literature is required.   2. Defining attributes: A minimum of three … Read more

Discussion 9.9

 Consider your internship school’s culture, norms, and climate from the perspective of different stakeholders. Stakeholders can range from bus drivers, parents, food service employees, after-school program leaders, new teachers, seasoned teachers, teachers that teach specials, local business leaders, etc. Selecting 2-3 stakeholders, how might they exemplify and demonstrate the school’s mission and vision? How would … Read more

Assessment in Elementary Education

Research the state- and district-mandated assessments and tests for elementary schools in your area. Access the graphic-design tool website Canva and select a trifold brochure template for this assignment. Note: You may also create your brochure using another brochure tool, as approved by your instructor.

Due Process and Procedural Safeguards

Using the following link, Procedural Safeguards Link: Part B Procedural Safeguards Notice: Florida ( (Links to an external site.) Complete the following two activities: 1. Develop a list of ten items that teachers of students with disabilities need to know about parents rights and explain.  (10 points) Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. … Read more