Discussion 6
Based on the assigned listening this week: Would you fire the man who dropped the socket in Damascus, AR in 1980? Would you do more? Why? What are your thoughts on the outcome of the disaster? Please write 300 words
Based on the assigned listening this week: Would you fire the man who dropped the socket in Damascus, AR in 1980? Would you do more? Why? What are your thoughts on the outcome of the disaster? Please write 300 words
Disaster systems Response Assignment 1 Topic: As GIS and other decision support systems become common in emergency management, how do these systems help us mitigate or minimize the impact of disasters on populations? Students will do this assignment addressing the above question. The response assignment must be supported by research and cited in APA format. … Read more
Please respond with your Creative Topic before doing assignment so I can submit topic to the Professor to see if she approves the chosen topic. Creative Project The creative project allows students to do just that- be creative. Students are tasked with constructing a piece of literature that inspires thoughtful discourse about a facet of … Read more
What does your bunker look like? Describe a few key features of your doomsday abode. Was there anything you did not have the space to include? What do you think is one item that doomsday preppers might forget? Write at least 350 words,
what did you think of the Oregon Trail game? Did you make it to Oregon? Did you have to make any difficult decisions? Did the game change your perception of food security? If you feel comfortable sharing, have you learned anything about food security (either systematic, or your own) during the COVID-19 response? Please write … Read more
Go to the National Hurricane Center’s page http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ This is the ‘official’ page for information regarding any active storm. After you have thoroughly reviewed the contents of this site, answer these questions: 1. Overall, how would you assess the effectiveness of the NHS info for EM Professionals? 2. Given your answer for question 1, how effective … Read more
Discussion 2 (peer responses) Peer 1 Jackson If aliens were to invade this planet Earth. I am not sure what I would do. If the scenario is anything similar to the film Independence Day, I would ensure that I am as far away from the capital as possible and move to the closest mid-western state … Read more
Topic: What is the Cajun Navy? What technology do they use? How can this type of organization be integrated into EM? Students will do a short assignment addressing the above questions. The response assignment must be supported by research and cited in APA format. The assignment will be at least 4 pages, double-spaced, in Times … Read more
Pine and the lecture notes discuss some everyday technologies used in emergency management. Do you think anything was missed, or not discussed in full? Write 300 words describing a technology, service, tool, etc. that could be useful in Emergency management. Read pine text chapters 1-3 Try to open a discussion with the author – that’s the entire point. When you post your response, you must include your … Read more
Critique 1-film For film, you may select to critique either Independence Day (1996) or The Day After Tomorrow (2004). critique should be two pages single-spaced, or four pages double-spaced, with proper citations consistent with APA formatting. critique is worth 10% of the student’s final grade. Students are encouraged to comment on a topic’s positive and/or negative attributes, contribute new ideas … Read more