
https://www.nytimes.com/1984/01/15/movies/vertigo-still-gives-rise-to-powerful-emotions.html 1. Summarize the main argument of the article. Is it convincing? Do you have a different opinion on the subject matter? 2. Find a quote from the article that you think is insightful and explain what it means.

english post

I am going to be asking you to create plot diagrams for each of the stories that we have read in this unit.  Please go back to the Section 1 pdf on Plot and look carefully over the diagram of Freytag’s Plot Structure.  Once you have done so, I would like you to identify the … Read more

Professional development

There are many different approaches you can use in your job search. The best approach for you may not be the best for others looking for a job. Analyze your career goals and current professional situation, and consider the approach you think will work for you.    Download, complete, upload, and submit the Unit 6 … Read more

Unit 8

literary element (setting) explain the contextual references (historical, biographical, generic, and/or national) associated with it. You do not have to discuss all four contextual references, but try to cover as many as are relevant to the subject of your presentation. 

Professional development

In Unit 5, you learned of the value of networking.  There are many ways to identify your network of contacts. One way is through the use of a mind map.  The attached worksheet provides you with a mind map template you can use to begin the identification process. This is only a first step toward creating … Read more

Food Ethics Research

  INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN ATTACHED. OUTLINE THAT’LL BE FOLLOWED paragraph BY paragraph IS ATTACHED HERE. Peer-Reviewed article that’ll be used is attached here. Some outside sources links have been included in the Outline.


imagining that you are born blind, but one day you wake up and realize that you are given the gift of sight for three days.  Use your imagination and describe what you would do on those three days.

Summary of Article

  Read one of the articles provided under the “Sustainability Articles” in this unit. Your instructor may assign your article or allow you to choose one that interests you. Using the skills you learned in Unit I, summarize the article. Refer to the Active Reading and Summary Resources from Unit I if you need a … Read more