
In what sense–or senses– is C.S Lewis’ “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” Christian literature. That is, how would you classify the text’s incorporation of Christianity. Feel free to use technical classifications: for example, perhaps you think the text is best understood as being didactic; or as paraenetic; (a fancy philosophy term for a … Read more


Follow files  NO PLAGIARISM  need done by tonight  first file is rubric  2nd file is instruction  3rd file is where you choose any poem and any piece of art from the slide show only 1 GREAT paragraph needed 

10 page paper

In 2021, CNBC published a list of 50 most innovative start-up companies. They are called disruptors and include (1) Stripe, (2) Impossible Foods, (3) SentnelOne, (4), (5) Clear, (6) Lineage Logistics, and (7) TytoCare. Select any of these seven entrepreneurial companies to write a research paper. The paper should be 10 -12 pages in … Read more

Reading and write a discussion

  This is a FAQ site…I invite you to read through it and share what question, if any, you were thinking about and what their response was…and if you agree with it or not? What category of resume do you find the most interesting? Why? Questions, comments about resumes and cover letters

Yellow Wallpaper

-Proposal Identify your primary text. Explain what interests you about the text. What is your potential topic? What are your initial ideas about this text? What do you think you want to argue about this text? Identify the theoretical lens(es) and theorist(s) you might want to engage within . Explain why the theorist(s) will help … Read more


You will choose two (2) of the following  question prompts. Then you will submit one of the responses for  #1, and the other for  #2.   #1:  Please choose only one (1) of the following questions and write 3-4 well-structured paragraphs that adequately respond to the questions, proving you know and understand the classroom material. See … Read more

writing assistance

Need help reviewing this  the instructions are very specific and they are attached. Here is the source of reading for the assignment, and the instructions are on the link file attached.


Describe: Summarize the major aspects of the chapter and write about the significance of the chapter. Consider if the chapter is in alignment with your prior knowledge of African American children’s development. If so, please highlight this correlation. Next, highlight at least two direct quotes from the chapter.  Direct Quote 1: “”  Direct Quote 2: … Read more

Assistance with english home work

 a typed, double-spaced research pa per with a body of approximately 3-5 pages, in APA format, is required .  The pap er must use research obtained from a minimum of two authoritative sources (more than two is preferable), and this research must be properly integrated into your own text Topic- To reduce the rate of … Read more