· Analysis of key financial ratios relevant to the firms · Analysis of the performances of each of the stocks in your portfolio · Recommendation of either a. Buy, b. Hold c. Sell and justify your decision
· Analysis of key financial ratios relevant to the firms · Analysis of the performances of each of the stocks in your portfolio · Recommendation of either a. Buy, b. Hold c. Sell and justify your decision
Finance – Week 2 Assignment Performing Financial Analysis Write a 750 to 1000 word paper. In your paper include the following: · Obtain the annual package (financial statements) for the company you selected during Week 1. Look up (or calculate) key financial ratios and perform a brief analysis of the organization’s performance. · Be … Read more
Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 300 words in length, and you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. Ratio Analysis Describe the three categories of ratios used in ratio analysis. When working on assessing the company you chose, which … Read more
Q1- IFRS requires capitalizing actual interest (with modification) in self-constructed assets. What are the five steps necessary to meet IFRS requirement. Q2- A company abandons the historical cost principle and adopts the LCNRV method of valuing inventory. Explain the process of LCNRV Q3- Long-lived tangible asset are associated with either depreciations, impairments or depletions. … Read more
The Nature of Capitalism,” (beginning on page 117) and Chapter 5, “Corporations,” (beginning on page 156). These chapters identify four key features of capitalism: the existence of companies, the goal of making a profit, a competitive market, and the ownership of private property. Respond to the following: Do you feel that capitalism is consistently … Read more
Innovation and risk-taking is part of a manager’s job. But sometimes hubris, which is excessive pride or overconfidence, might cause managers to make foolish mistakes. It is sometime difficult to distinguish between smart projects and foolish hubris-driven projects. Googles founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, invested in a number of so-called “moonshot” projects in a … Read more
Prepare either a 3-4 page report or a 12-slide presentation in which you analyze financial information and risks associated with an investment to expand an organization and make a recommendation on whether or not to invest in expansion. Introduction This portfolio work project will allow you to review information and risks associated with an … Read more
Write a 1-2 page executive summary, along with an appendix of supporting information, in which you analyze an organization’s financial performance as well as their level of risk for lending and make and present a recommendation to help leadership make a loan decision. Introduction This portfolio work project will help you complete a thorough … Read more
Develop either a training deck (12-15 slides) or training manual (3-4 pages) to ensure new hires have a solid understanding of income statements, balance sheets, and the elements that go into them. Introduction This portfolio work project will help you to not only better understand commonly used accounting tools, but it will also give … Read more
Download data on a company’s stock history. From this data, create scatterplots, histograms, and calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of some data points. Write a 5-8 page report including the graphs and descriptive statistics you have created. Business analytics techniques are used to facilitate decision making by transforming large amounts of … Read more