INT 1010 assignment 9

 2. Hour of Code Assignment is below in the next section. Download the attachment and follow the directions to complete the assignment. Submit your certificate and documents below. 3. Complete the HTML assignment below.HTML is programing language used to create web pages.  As a part of INT 1010, it is important that all students have experience … Read more

Pass 1000 2

  Derrick is finishing his degree and transferring to a four-year university in his area; however, since he has had such a wonderful experience at his community college, he doesn’t feel as though he is ready to leave just yet. What can you tell Derrick that will help him complete his degree and his dreams … Read more

INT 1010 3

 . Evaluation MatrixCreate an Evaluation Matrix Chart in MS Excel comparing 3 technology careers for each criterion. What should be in the matrix: Three technology careers from Chapter 8. (i.e. system analysis, software engineer, help desk technician) to evaluate. Three criteria (all students must use these criteria).   Salary – Look up the criteria for each of … Read more

HLE 1150

   Discussion Board 2: Drug Abuse Prevention Program for High School Students Course Learning Outcome: Evaluate drug, alcohol and tobacco use and abuse. Group Member’s Names: ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Scenario: You are a member of the PGCC Health Club. The principal at Largo High School invited the PGCC Health club to conduct a drug abuse prevention … Read more

Pass 1000

 How will you use attendance, attitude, effort, honesty, instructor expectations, maturity, respect, responsibility, and hard work to achieve success during your college experience? Who will you solicit to help you reach success? 

INT 1010 assignment 7

  Please complete the steps below and upload your Excel workbook assignment under Chapter 7 Assignment Submit Here. Open a blank Excel workbook Create the following headers in row 1 Class Date Topic of the week Assignment Due Date Possible Points Points Earned Grade Format Class Date column with MM/DD/YY format Format Due Date column with … Read more


Your statement must include the following information: – Please explain your experience(s) and/or circumstance(s) that resulted in your academic struggles and prevented your educational success. – Please explain and include all the dates classes, and semesters affected by any academic challenges that hindered your academic achievement. (To view your Unofficial Transcript, log into CougarWeb, under … Read more