
  Respond to at least two colleagues who chose a case different from yours and address the following:  What makes a social problem a social work problem?  How can social work practice skills be applied to advocacy and policy that promote change? 1-tas-  Post a short description of the social problem from the Policy Advocacy Challenge you selected from the Jansson text. I chose Policy Advocacy … Read more

Wk 10 avoiding wrongful termination

Overview To be wrongfully terminated is to be fired for an illegal reason, which may involve a violation of federal antidiscrimination laws or a breach of contract. The legal standards governing termination differ substantially depending on whether private-sector and nonunion employees or public-sector and unionized employees are being considered. As the company HR leader, you … Read more

Week 7 Discussion – Benefits

Use the Internet or Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to research the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and how it affects employers and employees. Assess the importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when an employer provides benefits of any kind. Classify two pros of an employee using employer-provided benefits, and … Read more

Need help in 3hrs

Discussion 1 Explain a situation you have observed (or read about) in which a firm made a decision considering irrelevant costs or did not consider relevant costs. What was the outcome of the decision, and what could have been done differently? Discussion 2  Explain why pricing and production are extent decisions and not decisions that … Read more

Employee Reward Strategy

   You hold the HR directorship of a local company in Durham, which employs 100 workers (all in a managerial position). The company usually offered an incremental pay rise of 3 per cent every year. It also offered some benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, and private pension plan. The cost of living and … Read more

Need Asap

Can managers really motivate employees, or does real motivation have to come from within the individual? What is the impact of goal setting on interpersonal and organizational? Explain how goal setting and conscious culture research supports your position.

Simple Discussion

Discussion 1 In many organizations, being people-centered is considered soft, irrelevant, and unrelated to profitability. Based on the video, “Everybody Matters: A Documentary Short Based on the Best Selling Book” and the assigned readings on conscious capitalism, contemplate the conscious capitalism principles (e.g., conscious leadership, stakeholder orientation, conscious culture, and higher purpose) as a framework. … Read more


To describe how global organizations reward employees, including wages/       salaries, benefits, short and long-term incentives and equity/ownership Creating an Organizational Roadmap for Digital Nomads | WorldatWork 2. To understand the legal/regulatory, cultural and economic forces impacting remuneration management strategies and programs  Global Compensation Management & Payroll Global Payroll Services: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices | … Read more


To describe how global organizations define and measure performance at the    individual, group/unit and organizational levels https://www.klipfolio.com/resources/articles/what-is-a-key-performance-indicator To understand the legal/regulatory, cultural and economic forces impacting performance management strategies/programs https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackzenger/2017/02/16/the-6-vital-elements-of-effective-performance-management-systems/#fd2b082618e9 Write 1-2 paragraph reflection and opinion on this.