Discovering Your Advocacy Passion

 What current problems for which social workers engage in advocacy seem most important to you?  Which are you most passionate about?  What practical steps do you think you could take as a social worker to alleviate some of these social problems that particularly motivate you? 

Primary Sources in Early America

ASSIGNMENT: This week’s topic combines materials from weeks 3 and 4. Your assignment is to use insights or arguments from any one of the assigned articles to analyze a primary source. For instance, use an insight from David Waldstreicher’s article from last week to analyze an actual runaway slave ad from the 18th century. There … Read more

Undocumented Immigration

  2. Irregular/Undocumented immigration is currently a major concern in the United States. Discuss discriminatory practices that affect this population in the United States and the positive and/or negative consequences of immigration on society at large.  

Help with Draft

Design of an Intervention for Immigrant or Refugee Family or Community  Students will research evidence-based practices with specific problem area(s) with the selected  client-group and develop an intervention depending on the student’s chosen field of practice and  skill set. It will be important to integrate interventions that incorporate practices that address  individual, family, community and … Read more


How many immigrants does the U.S. allow per year? What are the categories for admission? How are these numbers broken down (who is included and who is not)? What policy changes do you see as having the most effect on current immigration, in your opinion?  (Use your readings and cite specifics)