Writing a Persuasive Letter for a Bank

   Writing a Sales Letter for a Bank That Targets University Students (Bank Name can be Trustmark) Write a sales message that targets university students and promotes joining a local bank.  Find information online about local credit unions and banks, select the financial institution that interests you the most, and then promote it with an … Read more

Letter of Recommedation

  Find a specific job, internship, or graduate study listing you would be interested in pursuing.(BUSINESS RELATED JOB) Make sure it requires a letter of recommendation. Your task is to request a letter of recommendation from one of your instructors. You will be writing an email to the instructor requesting a letter of recommendation. Write three … Read more


  The purpose of the Informatics Solution Proposal is to increase knowledge and ability with informatics and technology products for the health care workplace setting. You will review the functionality of various products and select one that best meets the needs of a health care setting. This is the first phase of your project, which … Read more

Correspondence Portfolio

Part 1: Delivering Unfavourable News Write a short paragraph describing your purpose and audience analysis. Study the scenario below and write a formal letter that delivers unfavourable news. Use the full-block style and create a letterhead that makes your document look real Part 2: Persuasive Writing Write a short paragraph describing your purpose and audience analysis. Study the scenario … Read more

2.5 pages

Write a letter to someone who is important to you, such as a close friend or family member, about one of the issues we studied in our most recent modules: immigration policy, police reform, or reproductive rights and how those issues may impact their civil rights or civil liberties. 1) Explain in your letter what you’ve … Read more