
Item 2 in the final project: Company outlook. THREE PARAGRAPHS Now remember our discussion on the subject: a)One HISTORICAL OR CURRENT highlight, event, watershed moment that frames the company. Then B) Products and Markets  and  c) finally financial and performance scenarios. NOTE: IT IS EVIDENT THAT WE HAVE VERY LITTLE INFORMATION WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. … Read more


  What is an environmental scan and why is it important? How does the environmental scan impact the marketing plan? Next, read the article “Apple Signals Coronavirus’s Threat to Global Business”. How and why does Apple believe the coronavirus outbreak will threaten global business? Consider an environmental threat you have observed or experienced. What happened … Read more


Businesses and societies mutual dependence has emphasized the growing importance of the concept of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and CSR has emerged as one of the leading management concerned worldwide. However, businesses in developing countries CSR have largely ignored. To this aspect, make your argument why some businesses and their management ignore corporate social … Read more


Company outlook. THREE PARAGRAPHS Now remember our discussion on the subject: a)One HISTORICAL OR CURRENT highlight, event, watershed moment that frames the company. Then B) Products and Markets  and  c) finally financial and performance scenarios. NOTE: IT IS EVIDENT THAT WE HAVE VERY LITTLE INFORMATION WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. SO TRY TO CREATE “ SCENARIOS” … Read more

Need help with CLV

Using the case data (attached) and the CLV formulation provided in the textbook and slide decks, estimate the lifetime value of a Netflix customer for each quarter. How do you expect industry changes and technology advances to affect Netflix? Are these expectations validated by the trend in Netflix’s customer acquisition, customer retention, customer revenue, and CLV?

Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications

Deliverable Length:  3–5 pages (not including cover page and resource page)  Assignment Details: Having an integrated communication strategy is of vital importance to the success of a brand. Integrated communication means that all of the key stakeholders in the company understand the product’s position in the marketplace. Before any marketing decisions are made, key stakeholders … Read more

Environmental Scan

  Referring to the discussion about the purpose of the environmental scan, examine the environmental factors that impact the marketing plan of your product/service. Next, develop an environmental scan for your product or service; include at least six environmental factors. Then, create an infographic that presents your findings. Be sure to explain, in a detailed … Read more