Marketing Innovation

PART 1: Research the internet for a high tech company, for example Apple, Microsoft, or Google or another company of your choice.  Prepare a one page paper and Analyze the role of marketing in the high-tech company. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. Part 2 : Please answer the following questions: 1. … Read more

Marketing Business

Fresh Dog Treats is a newly developed company that is focusing on catering to the premium pet market.  Specifically, the company is creating gourmet/organic grain-free fresh dog treats.  While these treats are similar to some treats offered on the market currently by such companies as FreshPet, one of the biggest differences is the packaging approach.  … Read more

brand and conduct research about its performance, competition, and target market.

 Assessment Description The purpose of this assignment is to identify a brand and conduct research about its performance, competition, and target market. Throughout the course, you will complete an ongoing project focused on the analysis of a specific brand and its target market consumers. You will conduct research and study consumer behavior and use your … Read more

marketing question

 Discuss the connection between the marketing concept and the marketing mix. Include a discussion about the significance of each framework in detail. Next, think back to your personal or professional experience and share an example you recall that illustrates the connection between the marketing concept and the marketing mix. 

Global Marketing

Country Market: Russia Parent Country: United States Company: Subway ( ) vs ( ) Background news:Check this: Paper Introduction (5 %, 1 page) Country economic, culture, legal, and demographic analysis (20 %, 2 pages) 4 (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) + SWOT analysis for Subway in Russia (40 %, 4 pages) Subway’s marketing … Read more

New product

Overall creative/media plan -State the campaign goals and how the campaign will achieve its goals -create value proposition/selling idea; brand story/brand promise of your product/service -create features, benefits, and proof for product/service: How is it different from competition? Are there competitive difference(s) to exploit?

Assignment 3 – Digital Marketing Plan

Aim: This assignment aims to assess ULOs 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the unit of study.  Word limit: 3,500 words (+/- 10%) excluding executive summary, tables and references Marks allocated: 40% Due date: Sunday 29th May (before midnight) Submission: Turnitin submission is compulsory.  Rubric: Refer to the Assignment 3a Marking Rubric below. Late penalty: 10% of final mark … Read more