Medicaid is State-Based…Should it be?

  Medicaid is partially federally funded and partially state-funded. As we all know, not every State is equal in per capita income, and the number of poor and disabled is equally unbalanced. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid funding was expanded, yet some states opted out of accepting the additional funding. This, in some … Read more

ethics discussion post 3

Leonard Fleck and Marcia Angell each offer answers (and arguments to support these answers) to the main question posed: “Would Carlos’s physician be morally justified in breaching confidentiality on the grounds that he had a ‘duty to warn’?” Now that you’ve had some time to ruminate over the medical and moral challenges of this case, and to … Read more

power point w 8 580

Building upon your course assignments and your Strategic Initiative Action Plan, prepare a formal presentation that you could present to your organization’s key stakeholders.  Your presentation will need to include: An overview of your strategic initiative incorporating critical research-based data; Data which is persuasively presented including visual mediums such as charts and graphs; An overview … Read more

Nursing question help

  a) Write the types of Health and Physical Assessment.   b) Explain the steps to perform a Health Assessment.   c) Explain the order of the Techniques to carry out an Assessment and possible variation.   d) Write the material to be used.   e) Evaluate and Document the Normal Pupillary response and explain the acronym … Read more

Medical Abortion

The next step in developing your final project(Medical Abortaion) is to construct a draft version of a budget for your final project. In considering your proposed policy response, and accompanying intervention and/or advocacy, think about the needed resources and how they would be directed. Please utilize the sample budget justification shared in an earlier PP … Read more


Assignment 1:  Your teaching a 67-year-old patient who has a new diagnosis of mild CHF.  They are being started on Digoxin 0.25 mg and Lasix 20 mg each once a day by mouth. 1. Thoroughly explain, but using layman’s terms, the physiologic changes that occur in a patient with Congestive Heart Failure 2. Generally, explain … Read more

medical apartheid

Medical Apartheid Set 1 1. Define Iatrophobia. 2. Define Malingering. 3. What form of measurements did doctors use to distinguish intelligence between black and Europeans? 4. Describe the relationship between slaves and physicians.