hw psy

  In chapter six you learned about learning. 🙂 The book points out the three main theories of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.  1) Briefly describe the key points from each of these learning styles.  2) Which learning style do you think is most effective? As a child, do you remember your … Read more

Family story assignment

 Have a (1) introduction with thesis (2) scene (3) 2nd part of the story where you share your story with someone connected with the story and write down their thoughts. Have a conclusion paragraph. College level


  Chapter 7 and the corresponding lecture notes discuss a phenomenon known as flashbulb memories. For your initial post, submit a minimum of 2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences minimum each paragraph) summarizing your responses to the questions below. OR, you can simply number your answers. Don’t forget to engage with at least 2 of your classmates … Read more


  1) Read the provided YAWP readings. 2) Read the articles provided.  3) Watch the videos provided.  4) Read pages 817 – 822 and 854 – 857 of the US History online textbook.  Using the instructions above, the provided learning materials, and your own research: 1)    Choose one of the resources provided to you and … Read more

vidioe analysis

   Instructions: · First, summarize the movie, its events, and main characters.  · Second, determine if the movie is historically accurate by first researching the event(s) yourself.  · Third, what did you learn about these events that you did not know previously? · Fourth, provide a critical analysis of the movie. Would you recommend the … Read more


JUST THE ANSWER After reviewing the learning materials in this module (lectures, readings, videos), answer the following prompt in a focused response: After learning about the African influence in Latin America, how significant are the cultural contributions from the African diaspora, and how do they add to the complexity of Latin American identity? What stood … Read more

1960s and 1970s

  TOPIC OPTIONS: 1)    Vietnam War a.    From Chapter 27 of the YAWP reader, read the following.   i.    Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater, Republican Nomination Acceptance Speech   ii.    George M. Garcia, Vietnam Veteran, Oral Interview b.    Read Chapter 30 of the US History online textbook, especially pages 822 – 824. c.     Listen to the “Born … Read more

choose from below

  TOPIC OPTIONS: 1)    Vietnam War a.    From Chapter 27 of the YAWP reader, read the following.   i.    Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater, Republican Nomination Acceptance Speech   ii.    George M. Garcia, Vietnam Veteran, Oral Interview b.    Read Chapter 30 of the US History online textbook, especially pages 822 – 824. c.     Listen to the “Born … Read more

Cultural Experience

 For  this assignment you will engage with the Humanities in your local area  in some way, either through visiting a local cultural venue or  interviewing someone who is a professional in the Humanities, such as a  locally known artist, musician, author, or religious leader, or a  director of an art museum or community arts center … Read more

hw inr

  Should developing countries embrace international economic integration (i.e., international trade and investment) in order to attain higher rates of economic development? State clearly whether you are arguing developing countries should or should not embrace international economic integration. Whichever side of the debate you choose, describe the logic behind both sides of the debate (i.e., … Read more