
  The discussion question(s) will ask students to post a substantive response and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. The initial discussion post is to be no less than 300 words, must reference material from the textbook. Students are required to use proper APA formatting and provide references. Discuss one topic from the assigned … Read more

project 2

  Use the company and topic approved from Milestone 1 for this assignment. Milestone 2 begins the development of the PowerPoint Digital Strategy presentation.  This section should consist of approximately 5-7 slides and cover the following material: Analysis of the problem: Brief summary of what the problem is and why it has occurred.  What the … Read more

week 4

  After reading the journal article entitled The Effect of Mobile Marketing Design on Consumer Mobile Shopping, provide an overview and answer to the following discussion prompt: 1) Based on the article, what do you believe is the essential element of how mobile design influences consumer shopping? 2) Pick a mobile retail app of your … Read more

discussion 4

  The discussion question(s) will ask students to post a substantive response and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. The initial discussion post is to be no less than 300 words, must reference material from the textbook, Students are required to use proper APA formatting and provide references. Discuss one topic from the assigned … Read more

activity 2

  fter completing the modules and reading the material in the textbook this week, Conduct an analysis comparing two of the most famous social media channels, Facebook & Twitter.  Write a 3-4 page comparative analysis that addresses the following questions: What are 2 key strategic advantages that each social media platform has versus the other? What … Read more

discussion 3

  The discussion question(s) will ask students to post a substantive response and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. The initial discussion post is to be no less than 300 words, must reference material from the textbook.  Students are required to use proper APA formatting and provide references. Discuss one topic from the assigned … Read more


  This week’s material covers the key concepts around various digital mediums in how companies communicate with customers. Also, the correlation to ensure the content speaks to consumers to drive awareness and ultimately engagement with a website or mobile app was examined this week in the material. For this discussion:  Pick a retail company you … Read more

application activity

  After completing the modules, your job is to write a 3-4 page reflection memo answering the following questions: 1) How does Google Define finding a digital opportunity in business? 2) What are the fundamentals Google claimed in the second module as the keys to building an online presence?  3) In your opinion, why is … Read more


  After reviewing Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, briefly describe one community health problem from your community’s health improvement plan. What structure, process, and outcome standards would you use to evaluate a program addressing this problem? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with … Read more

DB 7

  After reading Act I, please present thoughts for the following prompts for Act 1, Scene 1 and 2 and Scene 3 and 4. When you have posted, please reply to at least one peer.  Discussion Questions for Act I: Act I, Scene 1 and 2 1.  Wilson is known for giving in-depth, vivid exposition … Read more