References:   McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 1, “Nursing Science and the Foundation of Knowledge” (pp. 7–17) Chapter 2, “Introduction to Information, Information Science, and Information Systems” (pp. 21–32) Chapter 3, “Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model” … Read more

Economics-Need it now

  Consider an economy with three firms:  • Firm 1 sells $75 of steel to Firm 3. From its earnings, it pays $25 in wages and keeps $50 in profits.  • Firm 2 sells $30 of rubber to Firm 3. Firm 2 pays $10 in wages and keeps $20 in profits.  • Firm 3 sells … Read more


  Consider an economy with three firms:  • Firm 1 sells $75 of steel to Firm 3. From its earnings, it pays $25 in wages and keeps $50 in profits.  • Firm 2 sells $30 of rubber to Firm 3. Firm 2 pays $10 in wages and keeps $20 in profits.  • Firm 3 sells … Read more

discussion 3

  >Watch the following new hire onboarding video from Cisco Corporation: (2:58mins) >Then create a post with the following information: 1. Briefly describe how you would feel as a new Cisco employee going through Cisco’s orientation. 2. What do you think is the most important thing that a company can provide to a new … Read more

Working Across Cultures

 Working Across Cultures Scenario: Your company is undertaking a new business venture in another country. Your boss has told you they want you to oversee this venture. You are excited about the opportunity and want to ensure the people you interact with work harmoniously with you.Read the Discussion Question resources. Select your home country and … Read more

Journal Leadership

 This question is designed for personal reflection and does not require citations. It is not a graded activity, but it will impact attendance records. Please answer the following: Reflect on this class as a whole. Identify and briefly describe a concept that was especially relevant or meaningful. How did this concept challenge your understanding or prompt you to … Read more


    Singer or Arthur CBC News- The Church service aid agency is warning that” Immediate massive intervention and assistance” are needed to prevent mass starvation in Kenya. A team from the humanitarian agency reported recently that many fields are barren and cracked, dried out by the drought that is threatening a third of the … Read more


GCU’s Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work states that “Our work within the world matters to God and our neighbors, and that we honor God by serving others in ways that promote human flourishing.”  Select a company that demonstrates ethical behavior, social responsibility, and environmental sustainment. How does the selected organization promote human … Read more

assign 1

 The first eight (8) Congressional Committee hearings on the events of January 6th occurred JuneJuly 2022 and resumed in September with a final hearing. The hearing on day one provided a comprehensive overview of the committee’s findings and provided material evidence, video testimony and sworn depositions in support. By all accounts, the hearings were both … Read more