Crisis: Partner Violence (Due 48 hours)

  APA format 1) Minimum 7 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.          2)¨******APA norms          All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph          Bulleted responses are not … Read more

pediatric nurse

  For this written assignment, select one recent (within the past two years) evidence-based article from a peer reviewed nursing journal that describes a “best practice” in an area of nursing you are interested in. For example, if you would like to be a pediatric nurse, select an article that discusses a best practice in pediatric … Read more

Physical Assessment, Health Promotion and Complementary and alternative health care (Due 20 hours)

APA format 1) Minimum 6 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.            Part 1: minimum  Minimum 1 page            Part 2: minimum  Minimum 1 page            Part 3: minimum  Minimum 2 pages            Part 4: … Read more

Nursing Role and Scope: Organ donation and Condom distribution in highs schools (Due 24 hours)

1) Minimum 8 pages  (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.            Part 1: minimum  Minimum 4 pages            Part 2: minimum  Minimum 4 pages          Submit 1 document per part 2)¨******APA norms          All paragraphs … Read more

Barriers for Advanced Practice Nursing

  Describe three barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing and strategies to help overcome these barriers. (Saunders, 2014) Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words (2 pages), formatted and cited in current APA style 7 edition with support from at least 3 academic sources (books or journal … Read more

pain management

Define the concept of pain management among various patient populations. Implement principles of pain assessment, and manage pain using pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions. Evaluate the effectiveness of pain management assessments. Assess one’s knowledge and practice when delivering care to patients who are in pain.

Discussion 1

  Discussion 1 Hematopoietic: J.D. is a 37 years old white woman who presents to her gynecologist complaining of a 2-month history of intermenstrual bleeding, menorrhagia, increased urinary frequency, mild incontinence, extreme fatigue, and weakness. Her menstrual period occurs every 28 days and lately there have been 6 days of heavy flow and cramping. She … Read more

Salmonella enteritidis

in minimum 100, maximum 150 words write about an area you are interested in about this virus .  Again, you should provide student original writing, paraphrasing from credible sources, cite your source for this post in text in parentheses, and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.

Discussion Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease W2

  Discussion: Using the information provided in class and resources, select one from the below topics and briefly make your discussion: 1.    Differentiate between private and public sector functions and responsibilities in the delivery of health care. 2.    Describe the mechanisms by which health care in the United States is financed in both the private … Read more

Answer to Ismaray in Health promotion

You must post an answer to your peer of 200 words, APA format, 2 references   Healthcare Policy and Delivery System Every politically active individual in the United States of America, including the president and the chief executive officers, among other political figures, are responsible for influencing policy changes in one way or the other. … Read more