discussion question

In a 2- to 3-paragraph post, construct a persuasive argument for the value (conditional probability, odds, odds ratio, etc.) that, intuitively, makes the most sense for you to report as a result to your audience. Be sure to provide a specific rationale for your choice.


Progress: What progress have you made in developing your idea for a research topic for your capstone? What have you learned from the course that has contributed to your clarity? Problems: What obstacles have you discovered in the process of developing your research topic in this course? What still remains unknown or unclear? Plans: What … Read more

fpsy workshop

Outline your proposed interview procedures, providing justification of each procedure included in your list. Be sure to consider and share your plan for the following: Who you are considering interviewing Incorporation of the exact verbiage provided by the IRB’s Office of Research and Compliance The revised interview guide, which now includes the invitation, informed consent, … Read more

fpsy journal

Regarding the research plan, address the following: What are the best sources for finding participants who fit your criteria for inclusion in the sample? Who do you need to contact to get permission to distribute your announcement? How do you choose information-rich cases? Regarding your practice interviews for the course, address the following: Brainstorm ideas … Read more

dissertation premise dspy

The title> THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE STATE OF TEXAS As noted in the Dissertation Premise Guide, the premise consists of four parts: title problem statement approach (i.e. proposed methodology) for the study references The Dissertation Premise document is used in two ways: To identify a preliminary topic (i.e., a research problem) … Read more


Progress: When is it appropriate to use in-depth interviews? Problems: What are the features, problems, and pitfalls of interviewing? Plans: How will you organize your interview? How will you incorporate the concepts from your theory/model into your interview guide? What other resources or support will you need to develop a good data collection tool?