Do Dairy Products Prevent Osteoporosis?

  The Department of Health and Human Services (2021), estimates that 53 million Americans are at increased risk for bone fractures. Calcium and Vitamin D are vital components for osteoporosis prevention. Dairy products, especially milk products, are common in the American diet and even have a familiar marketing campaign (“Got Milk?”) to help educate the … Read more

Integumentary System

  After reviewing and studying this module’s content, answer the following 5 questions. Be sure to complete all lab activities and attend/watch all live lectures before completing this assignment. All of your answers should be written in your own words, using full sentences, correct terminology, and proper spelling and grammar.   Explain the anatomical concepts associated with the integumentary system. Summarize this … Read more

skin cancer

  American Academy of Dermatology (2021) states that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Protecting our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays is imperative. However, the human body does benefit from a mild to moderate amount of UV radiation.  Initial post: … Read more

Pathology paper

Explore a pathology or disease of your choice in further detail, and to explain the current state of the field in terms of treatments and prognosis.  You may select any disease you like, as long as you relate it to one of the systems covered in the class during the current semester  


  Instructions:  Technology makes vast amounts of information (and misinformation) readily available. The challenge is navigating this sea of information. Our goal for your general science education is to develop your scientific literacy. A critical skill you must develop is the ability to find reputable sources of academically and scientifically credible information.  There are many … Read more

Power Point presentation on Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

 Develop an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation based on the research you have conducted about your chosen medical condition or disease. (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) requirements: Your presentation will be submitted as an audio-narrated PowerPoint, narrated by you, the student. You cannot use “text-to-speech” programs or technologies that do the narration for you unless noted as an … Read more

Energy- Potential vs Kinetic

Main Post 325 Words (Energy- Potential vs Kinetic)  RESEARCH (Label this section) The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic. Use APA citations in the text to clarify sources. Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources. CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section, too) … Read more


Overview In the last two modules of BIO2101, we learned about the nervous system. In this module, we explored how the cardiovascular system assists in the transport of hormones produced by the endocrine system, in addition to getting glimpses of how other organ systems may have overlap with one or both systems. This assignment will … Read more