Discussion 5

Who are stakeholders in our community or in the healthcare system that  you can present your identified health problem? How would you propose  the need for change? Be specific and realistic. The identified health problem is    “Implementation of Alarm Sensors in Older Adult Orthopedic Patients” 


Part 1: Using the Anatomy of an IFSP Download Anatomy of an IFSPhandout, students, please complete the IFSP table (50 points). Part 2: Using the Sample Individualized Family Program Download Sample Individualized Family Programhandout, complete the following (50 points): Child’s Name and age: What is the service coordinator’s Name? List all of the team members … Read more

Project Management

an assignment about this video: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS837US837&q=introduction+to+project+management&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLgoXE3IKAAxWskWoFHdqfA9sQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1440&bih=821&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:99be8bff,vid:C0ffw8jgy6o

The project is designed to develop the student’s skills on project definition and planning, using the steps of the project cycle and SMART goal techniques.

In this project the students will select a new project that would be necessary to implement within their current role/own business; they can also choose a project that has just started but is lacking the necessary planning and support documentation. If none of this is possible, they will have to create a new one from … Read more

Topic Selection

What would an Ethical Egoist say about this topic? What side would the Ethical Egoist take? What would the Ethical Egoist say to justify their moral position? Is there a conflict between loyalty to self and to community relevant to your topic? If so, how so? Note what you feel is the best course of … Read more

Final Project

First pdf is your options for the project planning sheet which is the third pdf/doc. Second pdf is the guidelines and grading. Third is the doc you will use to plan, it is the planning sheet. Please look over the “Final Project Specifics” and tell me which one you are going to do because I … Read more

Steel Construction

Part A:  Q1.1. Please share any prior experience you may have had in a steel construction project. Provide some details about this project. Q1.2. Assume you are a project manager of a steel high-rise building in a dense urban area. It is a design-build project that needs to be built under a tight schedule. How … Read more