Education Assignment 5E: Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction

   Through this assignment, you will research and identify various technology tools (software, applications, and Web 2.0 tools) that will help you to comply with the Technology Application EC-12 Standards.  Assignment Directions for Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 Standards to Instruction Step 1: To successfully complete Assignment 5E Applying the Technology Application EC-12 … Read more

Education Assignment 4B: Planning for Cooperative Learning

Step 1: Attached   Step 2: Design a team-oriented cooperative learning activity, and describe in detail the following components: Indicate grade level, activity, and TEKS and SE, label each correctly with indicators. What is the central focus? What will the teacher-to-student interaction look like? Questioning? Feedback? What will the student-to-student interactions look like? What will students do in … Read more

Training Module

For this assignment, you are going to create your own learning module. You are going to use the template attached. Actions to design a mini-training session for your fellow teachers. The topic you are going to select is Building Social Skills. I have provided you with some introductory information on the topic to get you … Read more

Lesson plans

Complete one lesson plan for your unit plan (10 points) (TS #1) – using resources and materials from Canvas, lectures, and activities.  Must include all materials used during lesson plan to support student learning. You will use this lesson when you create your Taskstream Unit plan. You will use ONE of these case scenarios for … Read more


Part 1: Using the Anatomy of an IFSP Download Anatomy of an IFSPhandout, students, please complete the IFSP table (50 points). Part 2: Using the Sample Individualized Family Program Download Sample Individualized Family Programhandout, complete the following (50 points): Child’s Name and age: What is the service coordinator’s Name? List all of the team members … Read more

Teaching English language learners

Research Question 1. What educational tools can be used to keep English language learners focused to increase engagement levels? Research Question 2. What strategies teachers can implement to help English language learners build confidence in core classes? Research Question 3. What teaching method English language learners find the most helpful when introduced to a new … Read more


 A System is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole (Merriam-Webster). Example: digestive system, automotive system, plumbing system, etc. Think about your classroom as a system. Define the system: the parts, the function of each part, and the purpose. Write a paragraph that explains how the parts affect one another. … Read more

Revisiting Professional Goals

Creating an early childhood program that reflects diversity and equity  is an evolving process that takes time. As you embark on this journey,  wherever you begin, it is important to remember that there will always  be new paths to explore and insights to gain. By building and improving  your practices, strengthening your courage and determination, … Read more

Effects of Oral Language

 Assessment Description Oral language forms the foundation of reading comprehension and affects our understanding of the symbol systems that are used for reading and writing. Teachers have opportunities to promote reading and writing through various activities that involve oral language such as group activities that engage students in conversations about what they read and write. … Read more

Teacher Coaching and Development

  As a principal, a key responsibility is to promote shared accountability for each student’s success. Principals who provide supportive coaching to teachers help them develop their professional skills and demonstrate that shared responsibility promotes trust and collaboration. The basic coaching cycle includes three stages: 1) pre-conference, 2) classroom observation, and 3) post-conference. After viewing … Read more