Psychology Homework
Nancy described herself as being “trapped by her relationships.” Her intake interview confirmed symptoms of major depressive disorder and the clinician recommended cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Nancy described herself as being “trapped by her relationships.” Her intake interview confirmed symptoms of major depressive disorder and the clinician recommended cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Prejudice has traditionally been assumed to be the product of some form of malice, brought about by social or emotional forces. In recent years, there has been increasing research on how prejudice can result from cognitive processes, without malicious intent. Discuss how and why cognitive processes can produce prejudice. What is the impact of culture … Read more
Define Schizophrenia and what are the common symptoms that are present with this condition. How are you going to prepare yourself as a nurse in dealing with patients who are presenting with these symptoms?
Denise is described as having “nonchronic depression,” which appeared most recently at the onset of her husband’s brain cancer diagnosis. Her symptoms were loneliness, difficulty coping with daily life, and sadness. Treatment included completing a weekly activity log and identifying/reconstructing automatic thoughts.
Human beings often speculate as to the causes of others’ behavior. Explain how cognitive and motivational factors can cause people to be biased when making attributions. What are some of the social and individual consequences of the types of attributions they make?
Discuss some of the research methods that social psychologists use to gain insight into question posed in the field. Be sure to include a description of empirical research in your response. Do you feel this is best research method for social psychologists, explain why or why not?
Find an ad that involves social and prestige suggestions—techniques based on the premise that you should buy or do something because many others do so (social suggestion) or some well-known person (celebrity) makes a recommendation (prestige suggestion). Answer the following questions: 1. Discuss what product this ad attempts to market and describe where the ad … Read more
Research in the field of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has increased almost exponentially in the past 30 years (Matson & LoVullo, 2009). The most frequently studied disorder in the spectrum is autism and our theoretical understanding and treatment approaches for this condition have changed considerably over this period. Please review and discuss some of the … Read more
Describe ways in which people experience grief and the functions it serves. Consider religious beliefs and cultural differences; as well as differences between child and adult, in your response. Access and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. How might a person with the Christian Worldview handle the stages of dying, … Read more
Brainstorm ideas on how our country can move away from ageist negative stereotypes (as predicted by the disengagement theory) and move toward a more positive active role for senior citizens (as predicted by the activity theory).