cap w4d

present at least two points important for you in using theory in research and how you will use it in the proposal your group is developing. Think in terms of all you have learned up to this point as related to EBP, identification of a problem, problem formulation, and research design. 

Discussion List

  Post in the Discussion area at least 2 paragraphs responding to the following prompts: Describe the graph you selected from the video on technology’s long tail including: What does the graph show? What values are on the y- and x-axis? What is the overall pattern displayed on the graph? Be sure to mention all key … Read more

Ag w3

This video clip identifies ways leaders might employ techniques unethically. Provide feedback on the cli[p and then answer the following: As beginning group counselors, what are some of your concerns about the ethical use of techniques? If you observed your co-leader misusing a technique and were concerned that it could harm group members, what would be … Read more

icd 2

People tend to think of some drugs as inherently and absolutely bad and other drugs as acceptable. In fact, as you have read in this chapter, the effect of a drug comes from a combination of the drug itself, the psychology of the user, the physiology of the user, and the sociocultural environment. How does … Read more

gd 2

Do you think this group ever worked as a team for the same purpose? Why or why not? How did individual biases influence the group and what dynamics came into play? How easy is it to persuade someone? Observe the group stages… what represented the beginning, middle and ending stage? What kind of group was … Read more

W10 pc A View the video THEN write an acceptance speech that would be 45-60 seconds in length, if presented orally. Be sure you identify the reason for the award and use the guidelines from the lecture notes to write the speech. It can be for an award you have actually received or it can be an award that you would … Read more

W10 film

reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream, it is important to keep track of the different characters and relationships. Tell us about your experience with Shakespeare–what you have read, what you like/dislike about Shakespeare. After reading the first two acts, what have you learned? Who are the major characters? What are the relationships? How is Puck behaving? Tell … Read more

Need Today

What is the current design of your job? Assume that the opportunity arose for you to utilize the idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) in redesigning your job. What would you do to make your job inherently more motivating? How would you design the feedback and reward systems in the new job? Be sure to include comments on … Read more

W8 film D

In the short story The Tale Tale Heart, the main character raises many questions for the reader. Discuss the psychological aspects of the narrator. How does the narrative explore the theme of madness, and what factors contribute to the narrator’s descent into madness?

w8 pc

Did the speaker in the video persuade the audience to accept his/her point of view? Discuss the characteristics of a successful persuasive speech. Should a speaker feel defeated if his or her speech fails to persuade every listener?