Discussion post

How might the educational efforts of organizations like the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) in teaching migrant families about labor hazards and prevention methods contribute to broader community health improvements, and what additional strategies could be employed to further enhance the immediate and long-term health outcomes of these populations?

rough draft/study

  Overview For this assignment, you will be provided with a spreadsheet containing projected numbers for two different patient services programs. You will need to download the Program Projections [XLSX] Download Program Projections [XLSX]spreadsheet and use it to conduct your analysis. Instructions You are a member of the financial services department at Benson Regional Medical … Read more

rough draft -ex

  detailed Analyzes two areas of critical importance for collaboration between HR and managers when making staffing decisions. Recommends a process and elements for creating effective job descriptions. Explains two prominent considerations for developing fair and competitive compensation and benefit plans. Justifies your recommendation for an appropriate employee performance appraisal methodology

2 job refence letters

I need you to do 2 reference letters  One from Mike Chang as she work as a babysitter to his daughter from January 25, 2023. He will recommend Uliana Rodzhuk as realiabel, honest,,,, etc, something like that. Second from a friend Oksana Rossi that she has know Uliana Rodzhuk for 5 years as relieable…….. etc. … Read more

Reference List

Find 10 peer reviewed articles that support my research question and hypothesis Include the DOI or retrieved from web address in each reference  You may only use one website as a reference (submit the CRAAP evaluation for the website with your references)  

Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred. Analyze the health care law that was violated in the selected case. Evaluate the implications of the selected law on the health care system.

1 pg. Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred.   “The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records”  One of the biggest security breaches ever was the cyber-attacks of 2015. In the year 2015 the HIPPA law act was violated through hackers over 78 million times. The … Read more

module 5 post

 No plan can succeed without leadership. Having a strong leader can make the difference between failure and success for any endeavor. Post a brief description of your population and the plan idea you have for addressing their health needs. This time identify who should lead the implementation of your plan. Describe what characteristics make them … Read more

analyze and internal

choose a public corporation, with which you are familiar, from one of the following industries:  External and Internal E Read the instructions to ensure that you understand the expectations. Continue to research the company you chose to analyze the external and internal environments 

External and Internal Environments, is due in Week 6. Read the instructions to ensure that you understand the expectations. Continue to research the company you chose to analyze the external and internal environments the company works within.

choose a public corporation,(I coose Walmart ) with which you are familiar, from one of the following industries: Travel, Technology, or Food. Begin doing research on the company. You may use the company’s website, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s. Your next assignment, External and Internal Environments, is due in Week 6. Read the instructions … Read more