Unit 5 Assignment – You be the Consultant: The Benefits of Premium Pricing

  Instructions Find the “You Be the Consultant” exercise in Chapter 11; “The Psychology of  Pricing.” Read the exercise carefully after having read Chapters 10 through 11, and apply what you have learned in answering the questions using no less than 500 words. Refer to the grading rubric provided below. YOU BE THE CONSULTANT – The Benefits of … Read more

ISM 5021 SAP

1. What category of IT was the SAP system implemented by the Valle del Lili Foundation (VLF)? Did VLF want to achieve competitive parity or competitive differentiation with the SAP implementation. Use the case details to justify your position. 2. Identify the main driving and restraining forces during the implementation process.  3. Evaluate how well … Read more

Unit 4 Assignment – Midterm Case Study

The Business Plan: This assignment can not be less than 1,500 words, address the following questions: Discuss the importance of a Business Plan to the success of a small business. Using the Business Plan Format in Chapter 5 of your textbook, identify, and briefly describe, the 14 elements different components of a business plan, utilizing headings … Read more

Unit 3 Discussion – Business Structures

  Discussion Prompt(s) Describe four different forms of business structure how they differ.  Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses (advantages and disadvantages) of each form of ownership or business structure.  What factors should an entrepreneur consider before choosing a form of ownership? Identify some laws that might need to be taken into consideration when considering … Read more