
Please answer all the questions completely and no plagrism . for the last question please review the following chapter 12 attached and review the link in this section  https://github.com/OWASP/samm/blob/master/Supporting%20Resources/v2.0/OWASP-SAMM-v2.0.pdf

The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer

  WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT – TERM PAPER: THE ROOKIE CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER Week 10 Assignment – Term Paper: The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer Overview Imagine that you have been recently promoted to serve as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for a Fortune 500 organization. This organization has known brand products across the world … Read more

5/3 Peer Review

Conduct a critical analysis of two of your classmates’ posts and each response to your classmates should be at least 150 words in length and include a citation to one credible information source. The response citation should follow APA formatting. Please find the attached document. 

5/3 discussion

Read the articles: The Growth of Intellectual Property: A History of the Ownership of Ideas in the United States Key Cases and Definitions in Intellectual Property Law The article you chose from the United States Department of Justice: CCIPS Documents and Reports In the discussion linked below, respond to the following prompts: Describe the similarities and … Read more

5/1 Devotional

The Bible contains truths that impact our lives every day. Grace is a common human trait that can be found in many worldviews. One of the most clear statements of God’s concern for man’s sinful heart is found in Proverbs 6:16–19, where we read: There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are … Read more


What key elements should be involved in a remediation plan and why are they important? Locate a source (other than the links and content of this course) that would assist in developing a remediation plan. Provide a short summary on why this source is beneficial and aspects that you like. If it is a website, post … Read more


The following question needs to be completed in two hours ? could always use you for future work alot of future work if this assignment is done correctly ?    ISEC 620 Homework 2 Think about a software development project that has been conducted for a hospital.  The product being developed is a frontend web … Read more


   Research Paper: Securing Data Overview IT infrastructure of an enterprise has:  a) Database servers, storage systems (SAN & NAS) for data storage b) Computers, applications to process the data c) Network components to enable connectivity among computers and servers In this research, your goal is to secure the data processed by these IT components.  … Read more