3/1 Assignment

Getting Started:  The Bible provides a wealth of insight into our lives. God’s Word provides principles that can shape our worldview toward beneficial behavior. However, the Bible also characterizes mankind as born with a sinful nature. We are told in Romans 8:7 “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, … Read more

(400 word minimum, 150-words summary, for each question)

1Q. Choose two or three sites that offer materials and services and describe what is offered. Remember that your response must contain enough information to provide a thorough comparison without requiring anyone reading it needing to review the actual websites you list.  2Q.  Either from your own experience or by searching the Internet, describe a … Read more

Week 6

1. Research eBay v. Bidder’s Edge, Inc. eBay filed a lawsuit against Bidder’s Edge, Inc. alleging trespass to personal property, unfair business practices, copyright infringement, misappropriation, false advertising, etc. Was this a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act?  Do you agree with ruling?  Please give reasons for your decision. Since eBay granted permission … Read more

2/4 Assignment

For this assignment, the following items will need to be prepared: A short summary of the organization you have selected for the project. Write a paragraph summarizing the organization. An outline of the paper based on the selected organization and the compliance and governance issues you will cover in the final paper. For more guidance … Read more

2/3 Discussion

Review Chapter 14 in Principles of Information Systems. In the discussion linked below, respond to the following prompts: From the textbook reading, what concerns are apparent in the use of technology and the internet and one’s expectation of privacy? Of the concerns described, which is most relevant to you? Consider why this is important to … Read more

2/1 Assignment: Devotional

Privacy can be defined as one’s independence from being observed or being disturbed. Privacy extends to an expectation of the secrecy of one’s personal information. Today, with the open use of the internet and the wholesale gathering of personal information, have we lost any privacy in our lives? In the Bible, Luke 12:2–3 declares: Nothing is … Read more

Assignment 5

Instructions In order to complete assignment #5 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #5). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research … Read more

Week 5

1. In our modern times, cell phones are ubiquitous, and as common as they are, it should be no surprise that cell phones can play a role in computer crimes. Research the types of crimes that are committed via cell phone. Find a case involving a cell phone. What was the outcome? Be sure to … Read more