Ordinary people

Describe the immediate family member’s dynamic to include the following  • How the immediate family members interact with each other • How they communicate • Who does most of the talking • Who is ignored • Family roles • Power structure • Problem solving abilities

Social Worker

  How did you develop your interest in social work? Identify your personal qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that you consider relevant to your future career in social work. What areas of social work practice appeal to you as possible career fields? Why?  The statement should be written in first person, active voice using proper grammar. … Read more


  You may have heard the saying that those who discover or create new knowledge “stand upon the shoulders of giants.” As a future social worker, you will stand on the shoulders of many individuals who have come before you. These influential people may have fought for women’s suffrage, African American rights, or poverty assistance, … Read more


  The Medicaid program has gone through several amendments and expansions since its inception in the 1960s, most notably with the Affordable Care Act (2010). However, its purpose remains essentially the same: to assist people with low income in gaining access to necessary health services. Because the federal program is administered by each state, Medicaid … Read more


  Imagine you are suffering from mental illness in the 1800s: You find yourself in a dank basement of a hospital, surrounded by other people in the same situation—some of them quite debilitated. They are only barely clothed, despite the cold conditions. Occasionally, members of the community come to stare at you, as if you … Read more

Mental Illness and Culture

  When a person claims to hear the voice of a deity, are they having a religious experience or a psychotic episode? To answer this question, social workers need to carefully consider the influence of culture. In a mental health context, the dividing line between normal and abnormal can be ambiguous. Mental illness represents extreme … Read more


Perform a clinical intervention of a case provided by the facilitator or his or her practice scenario, provided that it keeps participants confidential. For this clinical process, psychosocial intervention and individual psychotherapy develop a clinical conceptualization that illustrates the following: Identify the client system and collect basic information. Use social work tools such as: interviews, … Read more

Capstone Draft

  Best Practices (Literature review) ( approximately 3 pages)  What interventions have been implemented in other settings? What promising treatment modalities or other ancillary services exist in research? *Must include at least five (5) peer-reviewed sources.   Proposed Intervention (2-4 pages)  Reason chosen Specific need to be addressed through the intervention Are similar services available … Read more

Dual Relationships (Social Work)

  In addition to filling the role of social worker, helping professionals may find themselves in a position to fill other roles, such as friend, financial planner, sexual partner, landlord, or employer. A dual relationship, such as this, is considered an ethical issue and raises complex questions about how social workers conduct and comport themselves … Read more