Personal reflection

In this personal reflection, consider all that you have learned to date, and reflect upon how it has changed your thinking in an area of social psychology.  Use the number for each part you are answering. Please answer the following questions: Explain one of the most interesting areas in applied social psychology for you.  Why … Read more


  Explain a time or event in your life when you were struggling. Identify some of the statements those around you said to you. Determine whether the statements were ones of empathy or sympathy, and explain why. Describe how these comments made you feel. Identify two statements that someone could have said to you that … Read more

intro discussion 5

  Name one social welfare program (local, state, or federal) designed to address poverty, drawn either from the course resources or further research. Identify and explain the program. Describe: Who is eligible for the program What the program provides The goal(s) of the program Whether you think the program is adequate at meeting the needs … Read more

dp 4-1

Prejudice has traditionally been assumed to be the product of some form of malice, brought about by social or emotional forces. In recent years, there has been increasing research on how prejudice can result from cognitive processes, without malicious intent. Discuss how and why cognitive processes can produce prejudice. What is the impact of culture … Read more

problem of interest

  describe the population or problem (Trauma). Identify the roles social workers take with this population/problem. Describe what you learned about working with this population. Identify types of skills and knowledge you want/need to develop in order to effectively work with this population/problem.  


 Post an analysis of how the social environment has contributed to Marcus’s psychological functioning. In what ways has trauma impacted Marcus’s daily functioning? Describe how you as the social worker would integrate elements of psychoeducation with Marcus and his family. How would you adapt psychoeducation for the cognitive level of the family member? 

discussion 3 intro

   Post a response to the following: Choose one of the six core values in the NASW Code of Ethics (service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence). Create and describe a specific scenario that demonstrates how a social worker would uphold that value when working with a … Read more


  Describe the structure of a family. Identify the strengths in the family. Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics. Describe the specific roles of two family members, and explain if the various roles work well together for the benefit of this family. Explain how … Read more

dp 2-2

Human beings often speculate as to the causes of others’ behavior. Explain how cognitive and motivational factors can cause people to be biased when making attributions. What are some of the social and individual consequences of the types of attributions they make?


  Review the assigned chapter of the course text, paying close attention to Zastrow et al.’s classifications of young and middle adulthood. Reflect on your own experiences in these time periods and consider the extent to which Zastrow et al.’s description applies to you. BY DAY 3 Analyze Zastrow et al.’s classification of young and/or … Read more