Sociology Dicussion

After watching Killing Us Softly 4, choose an ad from the media and apply some of the concepts, themes and theories from the lecture to the advertisement that you chose. NOTE: 2 paragraphs long, 6-9 sentences each.

Sociology 111

  Now that you have learned about sociological theory and research practices, it’s your turn to think like a sociologist. Pretend you are a social researcher and that you want to answer a question about social life using sociological tools. Complete the following exercise: Ask a question about society that you think a sociologist could … Read more

social problems

  Prompt: Reflect on your journey through this course. How have your views about social problems and/or their solutions changed? Your answer must be written in the form of at least two (2) full paragraphs, 

Discussion post

Respond to any 2 prompts (should be from different chapters) in an original discussion post. Prompts: Chapter 1: An Introduction to Sociology Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Explain why you are in college based on each of the three theoretical perspectives. Explain which of the three theoretical perspectives best describes why you … Read more

Social Problems 10

  Prompt: Consider everything you have learned in this course about social problems – problems of inequality, problems of social institutions, problems of social behavior, and so on – and think about what you have learned in light of the article on Karen Wood’s death. What social problems do you see in the story? How did … Read more

Social Problems 6

  Prompt: Public opinion on the LGBTQ community has rapidly and drastically changed in America. Though individuals in this broad and heterogeneous community still face a number of problems, there is little doubt that this society is a much different place in this regard than it was even in the recent past. What social factors … Read more

Film question

  The films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In delve into numerous themes relating to concepts discussed in your textbook and presented in supplemental videos. Both films include discussions concerning media representation, the social construction of masculinity and femininity, gender inequity, sexism, violence, rape, self-image, eating disorders, race, body image, media centralization, labeling, … Read more

Concept of socialization

Discuss George Herbert Mead’s concept of socialization using course theories such as Freud’s notions of the Ego, Id and Superego, Victor Turner’s 3 stages of child development involving rites of passage, and try to tie these all together into a general discussion of the ‘Self’. What does Cooley mean by the “Looking Glass Self”? (include … Read more

Sociology Dicussion

Choose a household with which you are intimately familiar. Describe in detail (2 paragraphs) the division of labor in that household integrating relevant course materials into your description and analysis. NOTE: Should be 2 paragraphs long 6-9 sentences each paragraph. 

soci320 14a

  Ethical Issues Surrounding Death When is a person dead? How do we define death? Do people have a right to die? This issue becomes convoluted when attempting to revive a person or artificially sustain them. Death is, legally speaking, an irreversible state involving no response to stimulation, no movement or breathing, no reflexes, and … Read more