BUSN 624 Week 5 assign

  Think of a business you would like to start. What business (either goods or services) would be of potential interest to you, and who do you deem would be your customers and competitors?  How would you meet and satisfy your customer expectations and sustain competition?  Refer to Chapters 4 and 5 of the textbook. … Read more

BUSN 624 Week 3 assign

  Review this video link for a better understanding and appreciation of true meaning of value proposition and what it does for a company https://hstalks.com/t/1807/the-value-proposition/?business  See page 34 of your textbook for some additional insight. Share your understanding and impressions of value proposition, especially at it pertains to present or past organizations for which you … Read more

BUSN 624 Week 8 Disc

 Identify a company of your choice that has become an authority in its industry and address the following: Discuss the company’s unique value proposition. An authority requires a unique value proposition as discussed in the textbook and throughout the lessons Discuss the company’s vision. An authority requires the ability to tell stories of how a … Read more

BUSN 624 Week 6 Disc

 Select two competing companies (i.e., J.C. Penny vs. Nordstrom’s) and discuss:1- define their current position in the market place, using chapter 6 course materials and lecture notes as a guide; 2 Discuss how they identify their customers. You can select any industry, and your discussion must address the issues of high/low volume customers, as discussed … Read more

BUSN 624 Week 2assignmet

  Complete the following for this assignment: Disruptive innovations make products/services accessible and affordable. What products do you use (other than computers or cell phones) that could be considered disruptive innovations and why? Please explain in detail. Reading: Building a business strategy in the digital world https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip&db=bth&AN=115590805&site=ehost-live&scope=site Instructions

ECON 600 Week 4 Disc

  Contains unread postsHonda uses flexible plants in the manufacturing of its cars. Discuss whether this method of production results in optimum output. For further information, read The Wall Street Journal, September 23, 2008, p. B1. How to Access the Wall Street Journal through the Online Library: 1. Go to the Online Library/Article Database page. … Read more

ECON 600 Research proj 1

  Complete your Research Project 1 in a Word document, APA formatted, and then submit it in the Assignment section of the classroom by midnight, EST, Day 7.The instructions concerning this assignment as well as the grading rubric are reproduced below. Pricing strategy varies significantly across different market structures. The pricing guidelines in a monopoly … Read more

ECON 600 week 3 Disc

 Why is knowing (or estimating) the product demand so crucial for a firm? What are the differences between estimating and forecasting demand?  In your response, include an example of a business that has suffered from poorly forecasting the demand of its products. Evaluate how or why the business made such a mistake. To keep our … Read more