5) Rank order all students by total credit (DESC) 6) Create a view tot_credits_dept (columns: year, dept_name, num_credits) with the total number of credits taken by all students in each year for courses offered by each department 7) Compute average number of credits over three preceding years per department using the view you created 8) … Read more

Computer Science- Python Python Homework Assignment using Jupyter Notebook

   Homework Assignment #2  1. Please use SQLite3 and the financial data provided in class(sp500_mafa2024.db) to estimate the ROA, Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, PPE (property, plant and equipment) to Total assets, Debt to Total Assets ratios for the information technology industry, and the consumer staples industry respectively from 2012 to 2022. Furthermore, please provide histograms … Read more

Python and SQL queries

1. Basic codes of Pythonin which average codes which includes if, elif, else, list(appending slicing, deleting ,inserting),dictionary(lengthfunc, clear, upadete etc),loop, while loop,   2. Basic codes of sql queries in which alter commands create table edit table(add row,delete row or column, change data type,describe structure..etc) Need to make 30 questions and answers using above codes. Need … Read more

Business Intelligence

Here is the Assignment Instruction: Follow all the tasks shown in the video clips in Ch 5 and do them yourself while watching the clips. At the end, turn in a file(s) that contains all the results that the author produces.

Advanced SQL and PL/SQL

Extracting and interpreting data can be very valuable to an organization. · Describe the importance of using sub queries in a database system. Provide at least two business case scenarios to support your response.

database designs

 Using the University Database: 1) Rank order all students by total credit (DESC) 2) Create a view tot_credits_dept (columns: year, dept_name, num_credits) with the total number of credits taken by all students in each year for courses offered by each department 3) Compute average number of credits over three preceding years per department using the … Read more

data management & SQL-DAT5486

Preparation Read the assigned articles and watch the assigned videos. Tasks 1. Choose a topic on data management and data privacy that has an ethical dilemma (a non-comprehensive list has been provided below). Take a position in favor or against the topic/company you chose. Provide both quantitative and qualitative information to support your position. 2. … Read more

DBMS Assign 2

You are to complete the normalization exercise detailed in the attached document.   When normalizing the table you may only use the given columns.  You may not create new fields or surrogate keys. Submit your response as a Word document (.docx) via the title link.  Name the file “Normalization”. I’m Attaching some of the examples for … Read more

ERD Design

   1. ERD For this phase, assume you are a member of a team of database and Graphical User Interface (GUI) developers/analysts. As a member of the database team, you are required to create an ER Diagram that will facilitate the development of Health Care Options’ company-wide database (see the Heath Care Options, Inc. document … Read more