Road Map Analysis

For you chosen company provide a map / node analysis of inbound and outbound transportation. Consider frequencies, distances and loads. Whilst you may not have complete information consider the likely main road routes for inbound and outbound transportation. Make educated guesses where necessary as to how you think road transport is organized for your chosen … Read more

MAR4203 Third assignment

 GameZone Inc. is a growing company in digital interactive entertainment. It started its business in the video gaming industry in 2009 in San Francisco. Some of their related projects: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Mission – To inspire the world to play. Desires a global reputation as … Read more

Module 5 Assignment (A-04)

Create a Dashboard to provide insight about your data. Use the Nielsen data provided from the link below: NIELSEN TOPLINE RATINGS FOR SUBSCRIBING RADIO STATIONS CLICK ON LINK BELOW: Select radio market data from 1- 3 Florida markets (cities). Example: Walton Beach – Destin, FL Export the data into an Excel spreadsheet, labeling the content by … Read more


 Part A: Develop an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) and its corresponding database (Microsoft Access) to be used by a product manufacturer to manage the orders it receives from its customers. Each customer is identified uniquely by a customer id; include the first name, last name, and address for each customer.  The company has several products that … Read more

Module 5-1 Lean Techniques and Forecasting Analysis

Hello all, I need help with the following:  Prompt: Determine strategies for reducing infrastructure costs through the use of lean manufacturing, just in time (JIT), optimized production technology (OPT),  theory of constraints (TOC), and capacity constraint resources (CCR) to improve supply chain efficiency and logistics.  What operations business strategy does the  company use in producing … Read more