
 If you see a very interesting and useful web page you always copy only the link on it. Stops do t copy links and making screens is part. With Nimbus you can clip web page. And it will be in your notes like full page. And you can edit all text, pictures and files on … Read more


  discuss your experience using a Web-based EHR. You will design and construct a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation that will be presented in a training session for new HIT students coming into your facility. Please include the following topics in your presentation: Describe your experience with the Web-based EHR. Discuss the possible challenges one would face … Read more

Wk 4 Discussion – JavaScript Libraries

  JavaScript is the most popular programming language. Many JavaScript frameworks and libraries are already available to help you create websites. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Search the Internet for a JavaScript library or share your favorite if you already have one. What makes this library useful to you? How … Read more

Wk 3 Discussion – Web Forms

  Forms are found in many websites and used for a variety of purposes.  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Identify a website you’ve recently used that contains a form with multiple fields. Describe the purpose of the form and the ease of use in completing the form. What are some … Read more

Wk 2 – HTML Containers and Forms, Intro to CSS Challenge Activities

  Complete Challenge Activities 3.1.1 – 3.10.1 in zyBooks. You are gradedon the accuracy of your performance for these activities and haveunlimited attempts. The highlight of the blue chevron will indicate that allsteps have been completed accurately.   3.1 HTML containers 3.2 Forms 3.3 Common form widgets 3.6 Using CSS in HTML 3.7 Basic selectors 3.8 Common … Read more

Wk 1 Discussion – Website Comparison

  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Select a website and compare how it looks on 2 different monitors, browsers, or computers running different operating systems. Be sure you look at every first-level page of the site. What are the different browsers, monitors, or operating systems that you compared the website on? … Read more