Research Paper

 Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, … Read more


 Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter. Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so … Read more

200 Word Discussion

Provide some examples of the benefits that you can bring to a prospective employer in your field. What are examples of the costs (price, or total compensation, plus hassle) that employer would incur if it hired you? Based on the personal value equation, how do you think you can increase the value you offer a … Read more

Tarea Aspectos contemporáneos de la práctica profesional de enfermería

   III. Estimado de valores éticos-legales, social, moral, espiritual y valores artísticos, estéticos, humanísticos en la ejecución de la profesión de enfermería en la adaptación del adulto con condiciones inadaptadas. A. Código de ética y valores de la profesión de enfermería- a. Diversidad cultural- artículo adjunto Grisel.  – reflexiones

Writing sentences

Instructions: Write five sets of sentences. Each set must include a simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence.  Example:  Today is Jenny’s surgery. (simple) Today is Jenny’s surgery, and her family plans to take care of her. (compound) Since she had emergency surgery, her family plans to stay with Jenny until she has recovered. (complex) Since … Read more

Foro Directrices anticipadas

En nuestro rol de enfermería constantemente nos enfrentamos con diferentes controversias sobre las determinaciones que deben tomar los clientes que se encuentran bajo nuestro cuidado. Luego de ver el vídeo sobre Directrices Anticipadas, que se encuentra en la página (Enlaces a un sitio externo.), contestarán las siguientes preguntas: 1.¿Qué son directrices anticipadas? 2.¿ Cuando se deben … Read more

Creswell textbook chapter 9

Chapter 9: Qualitative Methods What are some ways that qualitative research characteristics are fundamentally different from quantitative research? Consider a research study you might conduct. What is the role of gatekeepers? To what extent do you think having data analysis in qualitative research goes hand-in-hand with data collection, and write-up of findings may cause confusion … Read more

1.B.1. Glosario de términos

Como parte de esta tarea, define los términos listados a continuación. Debes hacer la tarea antes de estudiar el material didáctico de la sección de Recursos.  Listado de términos: Cultura visual Cultura Bellas artes Artes visuales Arte Artista Obra de arte Artesanía Artes plásticas Arte abstracto Arte figurativo (o figuración) Comunicación visual Estética Image Instrucciones … Read more