Activity 1

 Activity I – A manager claims that increases in advertising expenditure will surely raise the firm’s profits, citing his sense that people find the firm’s ads entertaining.  Sketch how you might refute this claim using: A theoretical argument Data Why might the refutation using data be more convincing? Activity II – A grocery store manager … Read more


 You should start building your resources by locating and sharing two articles. One article should cover any area related to assessment in higher education. The second article should be related to accreditation in higher education. Share why you selected each article and a brief overview of the article. (One paragraph for each article). You can … Read more

Week 2 Assignment: Parallel Programming jan 8

Question 1 How does parallel processing work in computer architecture? Question 2 What does Amdahl’s law state? What is Amdahl’s law and why it is used? Question 3 What are the applications of parallel processing in computer architecture? Question 4 What are the challenges in parallel processing in computer architecture? Question 5 Identify reasons for and … Read more

discussion assignment

In this first week’s discussion, please introduce yourself to the class and include your responses to the following questions: What do you expect from taking this course? What fascinates you about computer architecture? Which programming languages you are familiar with ? Do you have any project or research idea/interest in mind ?

power point presentation on Bitcoin

for your problem slide: just write people are losing millions of dollars to Bitcoin scammers. THEN in your presentation, tell the story of the senior citizen next slide remove “in this situation” to save $3! As your title is recommendation, you can remove “it is recommended that. Above are comments from professor to re submit … Read more

Ethical Issues in Research

  The role of nursing in research analysis for improving practice environments and patient outcomes cannot be understated. As you might be aware, research outcomes play a major role in evidence-based nursing practice. You will be formulating research questions; collecting, summarizing, and interpreting data; and understanding the elements of research design. For this assessment, you … Read more

Discussion paragraphs on Topic : Secure Internet of Things

You will use the following workshop activities completed in class to help you write your complete draft of your discussion section: Activity: Discussion, Para. 1 Activity: Discussion, Para. 2 Activity: Discussion, Para. 3                                                              References Azka & Revathi, S. (2017). Protocols for secure internet of things. Journal of Education and Engineering, 7(2), 20. Poulter, A. … Read more


 Select a construction project happening near you.  It can be the construction of a building, road, bridge etc…  Using what you know about the project or what you can “assume” about the project, complete the following activities: Create a Risk Breakdown Structure in order to identify all possible risks associated with the construction project. Next … Read more

Discussion paragraphs on Topic : Bitcoin Pyramid Schemes Wreak Havoc on Brazil’s ‘New Egypt’

write your complete draft of your discussion section: Activity: Discussion, Para. 1 Activity: Discussion, Para. 2 Activity: Discussion, Para. 3 references Zhang, Y., Yu, W., Li, Z., Raza, S., & Cao, H. (2021). Detecting Ethereum Ponzi schemes based on improved LightGBM algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 9(2), 624–637., E., Weshah, S., & Dahiyat, … Read more