wk 5 refl

NP Practice Models-  parallel practice, one sees very little collaboration between healthcare providers. Parallel practice is similar to the concept that nurses readily recognize in toddlers as parallel play. consultative practice. In this type of practice, one scope of practice may be dependent on another and one provider is seen as expert over another. For example, … Read more

wk 5 reply 2

Read- One of the biggest concerns I have about being a provider and prescriber is medication cost and accessibility. I have seen how the lack of affordable care can cause chronic health conditions to reoccur. This mostly occurs at the macro level. It involves drug prices and the availability of a generic or cheaper version … Read more

wk 5 1 reply

READ- How many of you would agree that our health care system is in dire need of major changes and restructuring, in order to better serve our patient populations?  One writer defines system thinking by likening the ripples of a pebble dropped into water to the influence of the actions of just one nurse on … Read more

PHIL-intro to ethics

  Can modern societies still be held accountable for what their nation did in the past? Do we have any moral obligation towards future generations? Why? Explain. Writing Tips: *Remember to write in formal style and check your grammar. Paragraphs are 3-6 sentences long. *Avoid platitudes. Avoid personal anecdotes unless they support your argument. Aim … Read more

MSW6004:Week 8 – Signature Assignment: Create a Handbook of Best Evidence-Based Practices for a Selected Behavioral Health Issue

  For this week’s Signature Assignment, you will once again revisit your focus topic and the behavioral health issue that you chose in Weeks 3 and 5. You will also continue to visualize yourself in your role as clinical manager at a local non-profit mental health clinic. Now that you have obtained the $25,000 grant … Read more


 Write (5) expectations/intentions for the upcoming school year (SY). Also, write (5) action steps and date for each expectation/intention of how you will work towards or complete each expectation/intention.   150 words


   Introduction (1 page) · Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient. Decision #1 (1 page) · Which decision did you select? · Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support … Read more

SSeveral decades have passed since John Swales proposed his definition of a Discourse community and more and more of our lives is taking place within a digital world , almost completely non- existent while Swales introduced us to his definition and its co

SSeveral decades have passed since John Swales proposed his definition of a Discourse community and more and more of our lives is taking place within a digital world , almost completely non- existent while Swales introduced us to his definition and its co